Bleeding in menopause

It is widely believed that uterine bleeding during menopause is normal, and poses no threat. In fact, this is not always the case. Quite often, uterine bleeding with menopause can signal the presence of serious diseases.

Uterine bleeding with menopause

With the problem of bleeding during menopause, a woman may encounter at different stages of menopause. Accordingly, the causes and treatment of bleeding in menopause is adjusted according to the period of age changes on which they arose. But mainly the causes of bleeding with menopause are:

Recall that the entire period of menopause is conditionally divided into three stages: perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause.

Bleeding during perimenopause

The main cause of uterine bleeding with menopause in the perimenopause are hormonal disorders. In this regard, menstrual bleeding with menopause can become both abundant and meager. Their regularity disappears. If hormones are the only cause of bleeding, then everything is considered normal. However, in order not to miss the more serious cause of bleeding from the uterus in menopause, you should pay attention to:

Since non-normal bleeding before menopause may be a consequence of a serious illness:

Often the cause of prolonged bleeding with menopause are intrauterine devices. The IUD significantly increases the volume of menstrual flow, as well as their soreness.

Bleeding during postmenopause

The postmenopausal period is mainly characterized by a complete absence of menstruation. Therefore, even the slightest blood allocation should be an occasion for close attention. Since basically such violations can signal the presence of cancer. The positive moment in the appearance of bleeding in menopause is that it is an early symptom of the disease. In turn, allowing to identify the cause at the initial stage and start therapy in time.

The only acceptable option for the appearance of menstrual bleeding is allowed in the case of hormone replacement therapy. Then such allocation are within the limits of the norm.

Treatment of uterine bleeding with menopause

It is important to note that with uterine bleeding, the causes of its occurrence should be elucidated. Correctly diagnosed will help to find the best way, how to stop bleeding in menopause and prescribe treatment.

During the menopause often use hormone replacement therapy, which allows to stabilize the hormonal background. In the presence of serious pathologies, sometimes you can not do without surgical intervention.

With oncological diseases, surgery is combined with irradiation and treatment with chemotherapeutic drugs.