Cystitis and thrush

Cystitis in the fair sex is very common, especially in reproductive age. This is due to the peculiarities of the structure of female genital organs. Cystitis and thrush often occur simultaneously, but the inflammation of the bladder occurs primarily, and then the pathogenic flora enters the vagina and disrupts its microflora, but it also happens vice versa - sexual infections that cause thrush cause cystitis. Next, we'll look at how cystitis proceeds against the background of thrush and how to treat it.

How to distinguish cystitis from thrush?

In view of the fact that cystitis and thrush have similar symptoms, and their treatment has cardinal differences, differential diagnostics between these diseases should be carried out.

So, the first symptom of acute inflammation of the bladder is a sharp pain in the lower abdomen and burning sensation when urinating. The described complaints can be accompanied by an increase in body temperature and symptoms of general intoxication (weakness, malaise, body aches).

With thrush, patients can also complain of painful urination, but there will be no symptoms of inflammation in this case. With thrush, the patient may be disturbed by discomfort during sexual intercourse, curdled discharge from the vagina, and itching and burning .

Differential diagnosis of these diseases is difficult in chronic and sluggish forms of the diseases under consideration. Correctly to make the diagnosis will allow correctly collected anamnesis. So, cystitis often occurs after hypothermia, decreased immunity, after childbirth, and thrush after the change of sexual partner or unprotected sexual intercourse.

Cystitis and thrush - treatment

Treatment of thrush and cystitis differ, because they have completely different causes of occurrence. The etiologic factor of cystitis is bacterial flora, and thrush - fungal flora (candidiasis).

So, with cystitis, antibacterial agents (fluoroquinolones of the 4th generation) and uroseptics (Furomag) are prescribed. With thrush, antifungal drugs are prescribed (Fluconazole, Diflucan). If thrush occurs after cystitis, then the listed groups of drugs combine.

Thus, we considered such unpleasant diseases as thrush and cystitis in women. Often the appearance of thrush can cause a second cystitis and vice versa. To accurately diagnose and take adequate therapy, you should consult your doctor.