Seal in the chest

The appearance of a tightening in the chest in women should always be an occasion to call a doctor. In this case, you should not panic and independently make a diagnosis. Only a comprehensive examination can accurately determine the cause of this phenomenon. Let's look at it in more detail, and we will name the most common violations, in which their formation in the mammary gland is possible.

Changing the hormonal background of a cyclic nature

As you know, every month in the body of a woman there are hormonal changes. The most turbulent processes are recorded directly in the second phase of the cycle, after the end of the ovulation process. So, often before menstruation, a woman with palpation of the breast detects compaction in the mammary gland. As a rule, its size is small, and it resembles a small pea that can roll. In this case, any soreness, redness, swelling or engorgement of the breast is absent.

Such seals in the chest can be noted and during menstruation. However, after the end of menstruation and a decrease in the concentration of hormones of prolactin and progesterone, everything passes. If and after the end of menstruation, the girl notices their presence, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

What can be the cause of painful tightness in the chest?

Often, when a woman is examined, it turns out that the seals in her breast are nothing more than cysts. A similar disease affects women 40-50 years, when there is a loss of reproductive function in the body, which is caused by a decrease in the concentration of sex hormones.

In addition, the formation of cysts in the chest can lead to:

Also cause of compaction in the chest, which also hurts, can be mastopathy. This disorder is understood as a change in the glandular and connective tissue of the breast, which is accompanied by the appearance of a large number of nodules. In this case, and discharge from the nipple, which often have the form of colostrum.

Because of what can there be a tightening in the chest with HS?

Nursing mothers, especially those who do not have breastfeeding experience, often face various disorders, which are accompanied by seals in the mammary gland. So, similar can be noted at:

Identify such violations is not difficult, because they have a rather pronounced symptomatology: redness of the chest, swelling, sharp soreness, the appearance of puffiness and discharge from the nipple of yellow-green color. All these violations require medical attention and advice from breastfeeding specialists.

Separately, it should be said about the compaction in the chest after the completion of the HS. The cause of its formation, as a rule, is a change in the hormonal background, as a result of which such a violation as mastopathy develops.

Why can there be a tightening in the chest of the baby?

The appearance of such disorders in infants is usually caused by an overabundance of estrogen hormones in the body of the mother, which is often noted during the pregnancy. In such cases, the child simply needs a doctor's examination by a neonatologist and a gynecologist-endocrinologist. For the purpose of examination, a blood test for hormones and diagnosis of pelvic organs is prescribed.

Also, the appearance of seals in the breast in a child can lead to irregularities in the hypothalamic-pituitary system. With a view to their exclusion, a consultation of a pediatric neurologist is appointed.