Can I get pregnant from petting?

There are many variations of sexual relations between partners, which are widely used in modern girls and young people. In particular, many couples today practice petting, that is, deliberate provocation of orgasm with the help of hands without penetration of the penis into the vagina.

Most often petting is accompanied by kisses, which increase excitement and contribute to the approach of the peak of bliss. Since during men's orgasm, sperm and lubricant are released, some women are wondering whether it is possible to get pregnant during petting, and whether this way is to deliver each other's pleasure to absolutely safe.

Can I get pregnant by doing a petting?

To give an answer to this question, it is necessary, first of all, to understand what kinds of petting exist. Thus, a superficial variety of these sexual relations involves the excitation and irritation of naked erogenous zones, including the breast and buttocks, with the help of hands and kisses. The genitals of both partners must remain under clothing.

At a deep petting, on the contrary, there is a tactile irritation of the exposed genitals. In this case, a man can insert one or more fingers into the woman's vagina, giving her a noticeable pleasure from penetration.

Thus, superficial petting completely excludes the possibility of fertilization of the female egg and does not carry any danger to those partners, who in the near future do not plan to become parents. In turn, the answer to the question, whether it is possible to get pregnant from a deep petting, will be somewhat different.

In the event that the sperm or grease got on the fingers of a man, and immediately after that he injected them into the vagina of his partner or just touched her external genitalia, the probability of pregnancy, in principle, exists. However, in such a situation the chances of successful fertilization are insignificant, therefore, this type of sexual relations should also be treated as safe.