Mucous discharge in women

Starting at the age of 9-10 years, girls begin puberty. From this point on and up to menopause (the period of extinction of the sexual function of the body) in the woman's body, the ovaries are turbulent. The hormonal background changes periodically, and the organism undergoes various changes.

When you should not worry?

Throughout her life, a woman is haunted by mucous discharge from the vagina. This is not considered a pathology or a deviation. Normally, women should have clear mucous discharge, odorless. If their appearance changes - this is an excuse to seek medical advice.

White or transparent mucus secretions in women are called leucorrhoea. Their distinctive features:

Let's see what causes mucous secretions in women. The secretory function of the sex glands is an indicator of the correct functioning of the reproductive system. The bulk of the glands is located in the cavity and in the cervix. In addition to them, the secret is produced by the glands of the external genitalia. Among them, sebaceous and sweat glands, located near the opening of the urethra and at the entrance to the vagina. Allocations of these glands, mixing with the sloughing cells of the vaginal mucosa, are excreted through the genital tract.

The nature of the secretions can differ at different periods of the cycle. Immediately after the monthly mucus discharge is scanty or completely absent. In the middle of the cycle, mucus secretions gain momentum. At some point they become white and plentiful, dense, like a rice broth. This indicates the onset of ovulation.

For some time after sexual intercourse, a woman can have abundant mucous discharge. This is due to the fact that during the period of sexual arousal the female body begins to intensively isolate the vaginal lubricant. After sexual contact, her excess is taken out.

After sexual intercourse, you can also find abundant white mucus secretions of a strange consistency. This is mainly due to unprotected sex. After its termination the ejaculate leaves the vagina.

During pregnancy, excretions can change their character and intensify. In future mothers, this causes concern. But if you go on time to see a doctor and take tests, then you do not have to worry.

When should you be worried?

Curd white discharge, accompanied by severe itching, is a clear sign of thrush . It occurs when the candida fungus is actively multiplying. The phenomenon is very unpleasant, but today there are many tools that can quickly cope with this disaster.

Yellow purulent discharge is a manifestation of pathologies, such as: chlamydia , trichomoniasis or gonorrhea in women . They are usually accompanied by itching or irritation. Many patients complain of pain in the lower abdomen or in the lower back. You should not joke with these diseases. At the first suspicion of their appearance, go to the doctor, take tests and start treatment.

Mucous discharge with blood can indicate erosion of the cervix. Most often, such secretions appear during and after sexual intercourse. Such discharge is normal on the eve of menstruation or immediately after it. Women who have a spiral often complain about such discharge. It's not dangerous, but you need to talk with a doctor to make sure that it's the spiral that caused the bloody discharge.