Forbidden fruit - why is it always sweet?

Many of us are familiar with the situation when something is forbidden to do or eat, and from that the forbidden becomes even more desirable. Although, removing such a ban, the attraction may disappear. We propose to learn the meaning of the phraseology "forbidden fruit is sweet," and who were the first to taste these fruits, people.

What is the forbidden fruit?

Everyone knows that the forbidden fruit is phraseology from the proverb "Forbidden fruit is sweet," meaning something desired, access to which is restricted by prohibition. This expression is associated with the well-known Old Testament story of the fall of the first people of Adam and Eve. In the Russian language, the meaning of popular phraseology is based on the opposition "what someone wants, but can not or does not have the right to have." The first part seems "desirable", "attractive", and the second - "unauthorized", "inaccessible".

Why is the forbidden fruit always sweet?

In the well-known expression "the forbidden fruit is always sweet," two important points stand out. This is a forbidden fruit, that is, one that a person can taste not when he wants it. In this case, it is sweet because of the same prohibition. Perhaps, if there was no prohibition, the fruit would be unpleasant and not so interesting. Hence it becomes clear that it is not a psychophysiological need.

Here you can see a certain pattern, consisting in satisfaction in violation of any rules. However, it is important to understand that violating the old rules, a person consciously becomes the creator of new ones. Even if he does not form them on purpose, actions demonstrate this. Dictionaries treat the word "art" as a test and a test of someone's qualities. In the religious context, the term "temptation" is taken to be interpreted as a "test", which is required for a person to pass through as a certain stage, thereby proving the maturity of his qualities.

The Forbidden Fruit in the Bible

There is no such person who does not know that the forbidden fruit of the Bible is a fruit that grew in the Garden of Eden and was banned by God. However, the snake tempter could persuade Eve to try it. The devil whispered to the first woman that God forbids this forbidden fruit with Adam only because they can become as powerful as himself, and many secrets will be revealed to him. Hearing this, Eve persuaded Adam to try such a desirable juicy forbidden fruit - an apple. Violating the ban, the first people were expelled by God from paradise. In addition, they became mortal and distanced themselves from God.

Tree with forbidden fruit

Now the question of where to find the forbidden fruit from the Bible can really sound silly, because there is not the same tree described in the Old Testament of the knowledge of good and evil on which such fruits grew. According to the Bible, this tree was special because it was planted along with the Tree of Life in the middle of the Garden of Eden . It represents cognition, and is also able to distinguish between such two opposites as good and evil.

Who tasted the forbidden fruit?

Original sin and the ensuing terrible punishment occurred in the distant times described by the Bible. Often there are disputes about who first disobeyed the Creator and tasted the most forbidden fruit - Adam or Eve. In the Old Testament of the Bible, it is said that Adam tasted the forbidden fruit, although God did not allow him to do this. One can confidently say that by doing so, a man betrayed his Creator. Perhaps the man would not have done such an act, if Eva had not persuaded him to try something that they had been forbidden to do so long ago.