Beer alcoholism: treatment

Treatment of beer alcoholism is a difficult task even for specialists, not to mention the patients who do not want to admit that they have problems with alcohol. Typically, the clinic first identify the causes of the ailment, and then develop a strategy for how to deal with beer alcoholism.

Causes of beer alcoholism

First, it is important for us to determine the reasons. Of course, one and the most important of them is the irrepressible and exorbitant use of beer. However, this is what lies on the surface, and the very essence of the disease can be covered in deeper causes. Among them note the following:

Beer alcoholism in women and men, as a rule, is determined not by one, but by several of these reasons. Experienced specialists, after determining the root of the problem, are ready to offer different methods of treatment.

How to cure beer alcoholism?

Depending on the situation, the patient is assigned different treatment options. Often, measures are advised to take complex measures. These include:

Pharmacotherapy. Many clinics suggest using just medication, but this often leads to a new addiction - already from psychotropic drugs. In addition, it is almost impossible to solve problems in the spiritual, social and psychological spheres in this way. Along with the cessation of the use of medications, there are often failures and a return to alcohol. That is why such a technique in good clinics is sought not to be used.

Psychotherapy. With the chemical effects of alcohol, not only the physical body of a person suffers, but also his psyche. Problems arise both in the social sphere and in the spiritual sphere - a person simply loses reference points in life.

Psychotherapeutic practice helps a person to leave this destructive path. Practice different methods:

  1. Coding by Dovzhenko (development of motivation to get rid of addiction, elimination of disturbances in the psyche, formation of a conscious attitude toward rejection).
  2. 12-step program to get rid of addiction (restoration of all spheres of human life).
  3. Hypnotherapy (sessions of hypnosis and correction of the psyche).
  4. Therapeutic communities (inpatient treatment in the rehabilitation center 30-40 days).

Many clinics help and co-dependent - that is, families of people with alcohol abuse. The sooner you seek help, the easier it will be to avoid negative consequences.

Beer alcoholism: consequences

If you brush off this problem, the consequences of beer alcoholism can be terrible. The first thing a man strikes his cardiovascular system, developing in his so-called "Bull heart", which is greatly increased in size and works with great difficulty. Further, the endocrine system suffers, and also the filtering organs - the liver and kidneys, which simply can not cope with such a rabid load.

Outwardly, a swollen, drenched, drained appearance appears in the person, a famous "beer belly" grows. Because of the presence in the beer of phyto-estrogens, men become effeminate: the fat distribution takes place according to the female type, and the character becomes hysterical and touchy. Beer female alcoholism, as a rule, also causes hormonal problems due to excess estrogen.