Winter depression

With the onset of colds, more and more often we are overcome by a bad mood, a decline in strength, lethargy, melancholy, drowsiness ... We call this state only as a winter depression. So, we know the enemy in person! But now the question arises, how can we fight it? In fact, it's not so difficult if you know what causes this illness.

In this case, we are talking about biological causes. They are characteristic not only for humans, but also for other living organisms. It's no secret that almost all plants change their clothes with the arrival of colds and gradually fall asleep. Animals behave in a similar way. So the person, so to speak, in his own way "falls into hibernation."

All of us in the winter so do not have enough sunlight and light. Especially it is felt in February, when the stock of optimism is already running out and we are so looking forward to spring. Is it possible to get rid of the winter depression? And whether it is necessary? .. Than to struggle with the enemy, it is better to make friends with him! Try to have fun at such a seemingly sad state, and you will immediately see the results.

How to escape from depression in the winter?

In winter, you can do so many useful and pleasant things: read books, go to theaters, watch movies, wrapped in a warm blanket ... Or maybe you have long wanted to learn how to knit, sew or embroider? .. It's a great time to implement long-standing plans!

Also, your attention is given to various sports activities: starting from the morning running through the park, continuing classes in fitness clubs and ending with ski resorts ... The most effective in this case will be physical exercise in the fresh air. Thus, you will not only get rid of the winter melancholy, but prepare your figure for such a long-awaited summer.

How to overcome depression at home?

If, not even counting the weather outside the window, the day turned out to be not the most successful - there is the right decision. A warming bath with aromatic oils and herbs before going to bed will help relieve stress and relax after a hard day. In general, we advise you to stock up with aroma lamps and all sorts of aromatic candles in winter - this will give a special positive winter entourage to your home. Also, do not deny yourself such pleasant little things as buying a new scarf, a bottle of perfume or a pair of other gloves. Such small purchases will cheer you up and will delight you more than one winter day.

Of course, do not forget about your diet. Fortunately, in our days in shops and supermarkets a lot of very tasty and healthy food is provided. Pay attention to the colorful vegetables and fruits that will help to fill the lack of vitamins in the body. Useful will also be fatty fish: mackerel, salmon, sardines, etc.

Remember the deposits of nutrients - nuts. Grecian, cedar, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, pistachios, cashews - choose for every taste.

A good addition to the winter diet is the intake of essential vitamins A, D, E, as well as a complex of omega-3 fatty acids in capsules.

In addition, you can pamper yourself with some kind of delicacy, and even better - if you cook it yourself. You can only imagine how your family will be pleased with such a treat.

And yes, of course, do not forget about people close to you. Spend more time with parents, children, loved ones, friends ... Give them their care, attention, warmth, love and smile, and she, as is known, "will not again return."

Remember that we create our own mood.

We wish you to be happy and enjoy life at any time of the year!