Music therapy

Music - as a factor influencing the emotional sphere of a person, has been used for many years for medicinal purposes. Treatment with music therapy is used in psychotherapy and provides for the isolated use of musical works as a leading therapeutic factor or as an auxiliary technique during other methods of psychotherapeutic treatment to increase their effectiveness.

The music therapy session is conducted under the guidance of a psychologist in individual or more often in group forms. Music has a certain rhythm that can affect the brain waves. He activates their work, due to which the synchronization of brain activity as a whole occurs. Selection of compositions by rhythmic coloring can both encourage a person, and stimulate a state of complete relaxation.

Music therapy - Mozart

For today, we already know quite a lot about the influence of classical music on our body and mind. The effect of Mozart lies in the therapeutic effect of his brilliant works. His creations are immortal, so their use is best suited for healing the soul, relaxing and deepening self-awareness. The scientists who studied this phenomenon confirmed the possibility of improving the state of health after listening to the musical masterpieces of this composer.

Methods and techniques of music therapy

Let's take a closer look at the existing directions of music therapy for adults.

Depending on the degree of involvement of the client in the treatment process, active and passive music therapy is singled out. In parallel, we will also consider exercises in music therapy.

Active music therapy presupposes the direct participation of the client in the psychotherapeutic process. He himself performs musical works, sings and plays the musical instruments available to him. The most popular areas of active healing music include:

  1. Vocal therapy - based on the healing properties of classical singing and includes a system of exercises that allow to acoustically affect vital organs. Particularly relevant is the method of vocal therapy in the treatment of bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular diseases and general weakness of the body.
  2. Music therapy by the Nordoff -Robbins method has been actively used for 40 years already. Makes emphasis on "live music" as a means of communication and its therapeutic qualities. Patients are fully involved in the process of creating a certain melody. This exercise helps to strengthen communication between patients and therapist. It is recommended for emotional instability and psychosomatic diseases.
  3. Analytical music therapy - is actively used in the territory of our country, primarily in working with clients who are diagnosed with functional disorders and nerves. Within the framework of this reception, corrective work must be carried out in the group.

The essence of passive music therapy lies in the fact that the musicotherapeutic The session is conducted with the help of this or that technology, and the client itself does not participate in it.

The most frequently used receptions of passive, or as it is also called receptive music therapy, are:

It is the passive impact on the patient of musical works for today has a wide circulation in the world of psychotherapeutic practice.

Thus, based on the above, it can be argued that music not only brings the listener to the beautiful, but also is capable of providing a health-enhancing effect on the human body as a whole.