How to treat stuttering?

At present, there is no single true answer to the question of how to treat stuttering. The fact is that this disease is complex and multilevel, as a rule, leaving its roots in early childhood, and also having many forms and manifestations.

Stuttering mechanisms

Stuttering is a special violation of speech, which is characterized by problems in the pronunciation of certain sounds due to their stretching, repetition, truncation. A person who suffers from stuttering, feels the tension of the speech apparatus - and it is one of the causes of stuttering. As a rule, all this process is a consequence of neurological problems - stress, nervous tension, fright , etc. However, until now there is no clear cause of this type of speech defect.

Stuttering is a predominantly male disease, and in women it is three times less common. Scientists attribute this to features in the structure of the female and male brain.

What determines the methods of treatment for stuttering?

There are different types of course of the disease, which directly affect the choice of methods for overcoming stuttering. Today, there are three types of stuttering:

  1. Type one is people with a defect in the nervous system. Stuttering in this case is a consequence of birth trauma, frequent illnesses, heredity. Even if outwardly the baby is healthy, the neurologist will be able to detect deviations of this kind.
  2. Type two is the retrained left-hander . If a person's leading hand is right, and the eye is left, as is the case when retraining in childhood, stuttering may well develop because of this discrepancy. It is this type of stuttering that occurs in more than half the cases.
  3. Type three - acquired as a result of stress. An initially healthy child may have stammering due to nervous situations, frustration, stress in the baby. The reasons can be a lot: from quarrels between parents to problems in school and fright. This type is characteristic of approximately 10% of patients.

Based on the close connection of such a disease with the functioning of the nervous system, prevention of stuttering is a healthy, calm environment around the baby and paying attention to its characteristics. If the child was born a left-handed person, then one should not interfere with this, and if he is injured, he should take care that he does not experience excessive stresses.

Folk treatment of stammering

Treatment of stuttering at home is multifaceted and varied, and you can try all the techniques, but with a visit to the doctor is better not to pull. In many cases, it is required to take pills against stuttering, which allow you to regulate the activity of the nervous system and improve the results.

Do not forget that the first postulate of medicine is "Do no harm!" And before attempting to get rid of stutter yourself, it is worthwhile in any case to consult a neurologist.

Traditional exercises from stuttering, which in this case recommend - respiratory. You can use the popular respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova. An example of an exercise from its complex:

Standing, slightly bending, the back is rounded, the arms and head are lowered, the neck is relaxed. Make a noisy breath at the bottom point, get up and perform a light exhalation. Repeat 8 times. Relax and do 11 more approaches. Start with half the load.

These and other exercises from the Strelnikova complex are great for developing a respiratory system.

Traditional treatment of stuttering often involves a set of procedures for relaxation: baths, massage, aromatherapy and so on. However, such measures alone are not very effective, and they have proved much more effective as additional funds. In private clinics you will be offered a wide variety of means, among which is the treatment of stuttering with hypnosis. If the remaining funds do not help you, you should try it.