Design of the Person - what is it, who has thought up, what such a bodyguard?

Human Design is a new look at the nature and essence of a person who is a small particle of the Universe and is in constant contact with him. Deciphering your rave card helps answer the questions: "Who am I?", "Why did I come to this world?".

What is Human Design?

Human Design is a science that causes arguments among specialists, like astrology . But if you remove all skepticism, you can see that this knowledge, which includes the centuries-old wisdom of the Book of Changes, important aspects of astrology and world order, the place of man in all this diversity provides answers to many questions and helps to set the direction of realizing his potential.

Human Design - the history of the emergence

Who invented the Design of Man? This question could be answered that its author Robert Alan Krackover, who changed his name in 1983 to Ra Uru Hu. The history of Human Design says that Ra did not invent it, but received as a result of a mystical experience on the island of Ibiza, before that Robert was a skeptic and did not believe in mysticism, and the experience for him was a huge terrible shock-intrusion to the depths of his soul. For 8 days in contact with the Voice of an unearthly origin, Robert recorded and sketched the Human Design system.

Basics of the Human Design System

The Human Design System contains everything you need to self-knowledge and develop your potential. To build the basic tool for a body-manager, you need data about the day, month and year of birth, as well as the exact time and time zone - so there is a rave card in which, as in the palm of the whole person. Next, we need to decode the map and start experimenting with the strategy inherent in a particular identified type.

Design of a Man - a Body-Graphic

Human Design - a map of the bodyguard is a guide to the structures of a person's identity and his genetic heritage. The bodyguard includes the following components:

Human Design Types

Types in the bodigraph - this is also like the aura, with its certain frequency closed or receiving. It is invisible to the eye, but its influence can be felt by a person endowed with sensitivity. In the Design of Man there are 4 types, with certain frequency signals:

  1. Manifesto - 8.7% of the world's population, their aura is closed and repulsive. Energy, strength, action and aggression. Among them are many political leaders, tyrants of the past. Affect others.
  2. Generator + Manifesting Generator - 68% of people. Aura open, hugging. Builders of the world, try, create a new and unusual, in modern technologies feel like a "fish in the water."
  3. Human Design - Projector - 21%. Recognition of others, comes to understanding oneself through this gift of recognition
  4. Reflector - only 1%, these people are "fallen" from the moon. They can be called mirrors - they reflect other people. They are tied to the Moon cycle and during the lunar month can take different types: Generator, Manifestor, Projector.

Design of the Person - Centers

The centers in the design of the person show constancy or variability. Open centers are not over-painted, they are not defined and the aspects that are inherent in these centers are not permanent, their energy is not there, so other people influence. Closed centers are painted in certain colors (green, yellow, red, brown) - and are the nature of the person, what is in it laid.

Total of centers 9:

Human Design - Channels

Channels in the Design of Man are represented in the number of 36, they connect the energy centers between themselves. The design of a human bodyguard describes channels as incredibly important for understanding the giftedness of an individual, they come in 3 types:

Human Design - the colors of the channels on the map:

Design of the Man - the Gate

The gate in Human Design is rave mandalas, they represent the full potential. Gates can be "asleep" if they are present in open centers and "hanging" in certain centers. The total number of gates is 64, and the options are 1080. The gates themselves can be compared with antennas, and "sleeping" and "suspended" they seek, reach for such partner people whose gates are completely opposite in energy, connecting energetically, the gates form a channel and the potential manifests itself .

Design of Man - incarnation cross

The incarnation cross in the Design of Man highlights the mission or purpose with which man was incarnated on Earth. Knowing the characteristics of your cross helps:

Human Design distinguishes 3 types of incarnation crosses:

  1. 64% of the population. The path of a loner and one who creates his own destiny, all the forces are thrown to self-knowledge, they think more of themselves.
  2. The left-hand corner is 34%. Directivity and service to others, understand people better than themselves, find a common language with everyone. On the way there are always different allies and assistants.
  3. The incarnational cross of the jaxt-position is 2% of people whose fate is predetermined. The coincidences and synchronization in their life path are not accidental. Why did this or that event happen? The answer can come only after a few years.

Human Design - Hexagram

"The Book of Changes" is the most important teaching, in which wisdom and ancient knowledge are embodied. The structure of the hexagram of Human Design is the existence of connections between the codons of DNA and the symbols of the Book of Changes. Each of the 64 hexagrams is an archetype, they are distributed over a body-graph and form a gate. If the gates of one hexagram are connected to other gates, forming a so-called channel - this can mean the presence of a certain kind of life force. Connecting together, hexagram channels complement each other and facilitate the transition of DNA to a new quality.

Human Design - Gene Keys

Gene keys in Human Design are 64-bit matrices or 64 hexagrams of the ancient teaching of I-Jing, if translated into the language of images and words, but it is important to understand that gene keys are incomprehensible intellectually, the mind is not an assistant here. The keys need to be contemplated from a state of deep meditation and rest. The purpose of gene keys is to bring human DNA to a level of high vibration - from the state of the Shadow to Daras or Siddhi. This happens when the inherent potential is released. It is known that there are sleeping genes and active ones.

The Design of Man - The False Me

What is the false self in the design of man? This very concept is very ancient and originates in Buddhism. Personality comes up with values ​​and strive for what it is not in fact using compensation mechanisms. The design of a person's personality considers these mechanisms and strategies of the false self. The appearance of a false idea of ​​oneself is intertwined from the following points:

False I constantly resort to tricks, using the strategies of open centers in the bodigraph: