Treatment of scoliosis at home

Curvature of the spine and violation of posture can begin in early childhood. For this reason, it is very important to notice the problem in time and find a way to solve it. In this material we will consider the treatment of scoliosis at home and the most effective exercises for obtaining sustainable results.

Scoliosis of cervical and thoracic spine - treatment

Disease in the 1 st and 2 nd stages of development is perfectly amenable to therapy. First of all, you need to take care of a sleeping place, for example, to purchase a special orthopedic mattress. If the patient rests, mostly on his back, you can sleep on a hard surface covered with a thin blanket. It is advisable not to use the pillow at all, but as a small roller is allowed.

Next, you should constantly monitor your posture, both in sitting and walking. To correct the shape of the spine and its position, it is often recommended to wear a specialized corset, which is made individually for each patient. The first few months, the corrective device is practically not removed, a maximum of 1 hour per day. In the future, the corset is worn only at night.

Treatment of scoliosis at home - gymnastics

Physical exercises for stretching and aligning the spine can be performed in a special group, under the supervision of a doctor, and at home.

Exercises for the treatment of scoliosis at home:


  1. To produce a cloth from a fabric (thickness - 4 cm, length - up to 100 cm).
  2. Lie on the bed or the floor, placing the resulting roller parallel to the spine.
  3. Relax your back completely for 10 minutes.
  4. Perform the exercise 2 times a day, with each following procedure, rotate the roller clockwise by 40 degrees.

Rocker arm:

  1. A gymnastic stick 3 cm thick and about 2.5 meters long is placed on the shoulders, behind the head.
  2. Grasp it with both hands and relax them so that the weight of the limbs falls on the stick.
  3. Straighten your back and hold this position for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Perform in the morning, before breakfast, and in the evening, after a while (2-3 hours) after dinner. The gap should be at least 6 hours.

Horizontal bar:

  1. Hold hands on the crossbar about the width of the shoulders.
  2. Hang on the bar, relax your back, allowing the spine to stretch.
  3. Swing the body from side to side about 60 degrees with a short periodicity for 5-10 minutes.
  4. It is recommended to perform the exercise 1 time per day, after morning exercises.


  1. Tightly press your back against a level wall (without skirting) so that you touch the surface with heels, spine and head.
  2. Stand for about 15 minutes in this position.
  3. Perform once per day.

Scoliosis of the lumbar spine - treatment and massage

It is worth noting that massage should be done only by a professional, you can not try to solve the problem yourself without special skills. An incorrect mechanical effect on the back will lead to painful sensations, perhaps even to inflammation between the vertebrae.

Massage in the treatment of scoliosis performs the following functions:

Treatment of scoliosis in the lumbar region is similar to the treatment of this disease in other areas of the spine. The only danger is that the pain at the bottom of the back is usually much more intense and often leads to a curvature of the thoracic and cervical spine due to the patient's inability to maintain posture.