Diet of lactating mother with colic

The organism of the infant, especially the newborn, is very sensitive, it does not yet produce a large number of enzymes that are needed to digest food. Therefore, a diet for a nursing mother should be very gentle and, the younger the child, the more strictly the diet of the mother. Disturbances in the diet of a nursing mother may be manifested by the development of unpleasant colic in a babe.

Colic in breastfeeding

The gastrointestinal tract of an infant is characterized by its immaturity and the lack of many enzymes that improve the digestion process. In addition, the intestines of the baby at birth are absolutely sterile and gradually colonized by intestinal flora. Therefore, with the slightest deviation of the breastfeeding mother from a diet, infants develop increased gas production in the intestine, which is called colic. Nutrition of the nursing mother with colic should be very selective, so as not to aggravate the problem.

Diet of lactating mother with colic

The diet of a nursing mother with colic should be complete, i.e. contain a sufficient number of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements, so that she has high-grade milk. Caloric content of the daily ration of the nursing mother should be within the range of 3200-3500 kcal. The volume of consumed liquid must be at least 2 liters (not including the first dishes). The liquid should be in the form of water, loose tea black or green (can be added with a small amount of milk), while strictly forbidden the intake of carbonated drinks and juices from the store. From the menu of the nursing mother, in case of colic, acute, very salty, very fatty foods and a lot of sweet. Vegetables should be consumed in cooked, baked and stewed, while preferring to green or white vegetables, as colored vegetables can cause an allergic reaction in the baby. Apples can be eaten without peel, and it is better to bake in the oven. From dairy products at first it is better to refuse, you can leave only kefir. And then introduce these products gradually, while observing the reaction of the baby. Categorically prohibited consumption of foods that increase gas formation in the intestines: legumes, cabbage, chocolate, whole milk and others.

We examined the characteristics of the diet of a nursing mother in colic in a baby. I want to emphasize that these inconveniences are temporary and soon the young mother will be able to eat her favorite foods.