Can I exercise during menstruation?

Monthly often becomes a difficult time for a woman. Blood loss, pain, changes in the habitual hormonal background - all this is not the best way to affect the mood and well-being. At this time, you want to lie down, feel sorry for yourself, pamper yourself with something. But is it possible to go to the gym with a monthly and train?

During the menstrual period, the most difficult period is usually at the very beginning. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to train on the first day of menstruation, it is better to answer negatively. It is necessary to give the body at least a little to gather strength.

You can train during menstruation if the woman does not experience severe pain or discomfort. But the intensity of training should be reduced by at least a third. The organism at this time is still not quite "in itself."

At this time, you need to think carefully when choosing the appropriate exercises. To train during the months in the gym should be very cautious. From the power load, you should not hesitate to refuse. Aerobic exercise is also very difficult these days: blood is weakly saturated with erythrocytes, and sensations are not the most pleasant. But you can do it a little, without discomfort.

But it is impossible to pump the press: this will inevitably provoke more intensive bleeding, which in the future can lead to problems in the female part - for example, in the form of endometriosis.

Running at a comfortable pace is very helpful for pain and therefore, on the contrary, it can even be recommended in critical days . Also remove the pain will help stretching exercises.

What if a woman wants to continue her studies even during the period of menstruation?

If a woman decides not to give up training, it is necessary to reduce both the load and the intensity of the classes, the pace should be moderate, the clothes light, and the hall saturated with air. During menstruation, sweating is much more intense than on normal days, and the need for fresh air is higher. If it is stuffy in the training hall, the girl may become unwell.

Can I exercise during menstruation?

However, just the question of whether it is possible for this girl to train during the period, can only answer the doctor. There are obvious contraindications. For example, the period of puberty. At this time, you should take a break "for a month", otherwise training can be unpredictably reflected in the formation of the girl's body.

Contraindications include such familiar to us troubles like thrush and others, even minor, inflammatory phenomena in the genitals, or the newly transferred infection.

In the event that the cycle tends to stray, if the monthly abnormally intense or very painful, perhaps, it is better to give up training, too.

  1. You can not engage in the gym and immediately after the abortion - until the next month.
  2. So, the rules for those who want to engage in the gym during the menstruation.
  3. Do not overstrain your body.
  4. It is recommended to wear comfortable, loose, light clothing.
  5. It is necessary to choose a room with good ventilation.
  6. Take a bottle of water with you: dehydration is contraindicated these days!
  7. Begin with stretching.
  8. If you still have strength, you can work out a little at a comfortable pace.

The best training in this condition is walking, running at a slow pace, cycling, swimming or aqua aerobics.

Those who follow the recommendations written above will manage to exercise correctly and safely during exercise during the periods. It is very important to adhere to the rules, so as not to harm your body and not cause harm to health. The important thing is that the exercises must be performed smoothly and intensively, without haste, without hurrying anywhere.