If a man does not call

Unexpected promising acquaintance has not been continued? Even if the girl is sure that she liked the guy very much, that they had a great time and talked on the same wave, not the fact that the man would call, and if he really does not do it, there may be a thousand and one reasons for this.

Why is the phone silent?

If a man does not call after the first date, then he:

Of course, if a man does not call and does not write, then the girl herself decides how to do it and whether to call first. Many believe that one should be proud and respect yourself, because if you immediately demonstrate interest, you can indirectly make it clear that the girl is too accessible. Therefore, if a man stopped ringing, but how to behave, the girl does not know, then we can give time to think - both to him and to himself. Simply the last few years, women have fought too actively for equal rights with partners, which led to this result: men stopped considering active actions on the part of women something out of the ordinary, but their feelings also ceased to be spared.

Therefore, wondering why a man stopped calling and writing, do not look for any flaws in himself. They may not be, but just a guy thinks that a woman should always be ready for such a turn of events without any reason.