Why a husband does not want a wife - the reason

In the period of love, partners are so passionate about each other that they do not notice anything around. Their sexual life is diverse and regular, which can not be said about the intimate relationships for a long time living under one roof of people. The reasons why a husband does not want a wife, there are many and it makes sense to get to know them better.

Monotony and routine

In fact, this is the most common reason for a man's lack of desire. When partners decide to live together, the man thinks that now he will have sex several times a day, but it turns out differently. The family not only gives rights, but also obliges. A woman does a female part of the housework, a man is a male, and yet both are still working, and when a child appears in the family, time becomes even less for each other. Spontaneous and passionate sex can only be dreamed - it depends on the schedule of the baby and becomes a real "duty", which invariably leads to a decrease in desire.

If we add here the lack of time for a woman to take care of herself, natural aging, coupled with a constant lack of sleep, it turns out as it turns out. A man ceases to be attracted to an untidy partner - that's why the husband does not want to sleep with his wife. He may not realize that he is angry and jealous of his wife to the child, because this is a fairly common situation, especially if the baby is male. Of course, the desire disappears not only from the partner. A woman so engrossed in caring for a baby simply can not think of anything else. She is irritated by the "attempts" of her husband, and she does not understand how you can want sex with such fatigue.

Mutual claims and misunderstandings in the opinion of a psychologist are the most frequent reasons that a wife does not want a husband, and vice versa. In addition, the partners are already so used to each other, studied all the predilections, that they do not expect anything new and make love "on the machine". In addition, it often happens that only after the start of family life, the partners discover that they have different biorhythms . Someone is a "lark", and someone is an "owl". Therefore, the natural desire of one to make love early in the morning, runs into a wall of misunderstanding and irritation due to the fact that they do not give him a nap.


It is the consequence of all these psychological reasons that explain why a husband does not want a wife is treason. The partner is looking for and finding on the side all that has ceased to receive in the family - care, attention, admiration and absence of claims. In addition, the mistress tries to look good for the partner, and in sex is indefatigable and always ready for experiments. It is clear that returning home, the husband does not want his wife after his betrayal, because he has already satisfied his desire, but the incredulous wife does not meet with tenderness, but with a scandal. The advice of a psychologist about how to deal with the fact that a husband does not want a wife will be unequivocal: to rethink his attitude and behavior, because in this situation both are to blame.

First you need to sit down and calmly without a swearing all discuss, find out what everyone expects from each other. Most likely, the wife will respond to the husband's reasonable help at home with caress and kind words. She will have more time for herself, caring for her appearance. It makes sense to change entourage and make love not in a matrimonial bed, but in another place, for example, on a balcony. It is not superfluous to buy something from sex toys and arrange a role-playing game. If the partners have not lost interest to each other before the end, and they want to be together, everything is fixable and everything is solved, the main thing is to meet the aspirations of the other side and sincerely want to make the loved one happy.