How to get rid of love?

A woman in love always becomes sentimental and romantic, even if before the onset of feelings she was called an "iron lady". Lovers begin to dream of a common future, family, home, children, peace and love, cloudless happiness . Somehow it turns out all too simple, fell in love - and already does not even realize that life at this time is on its own.

But very often lovers overtake and extremely unpleasant thoughts, for example, how to get rid of falling in love. First they are driven away from themselves, then, they understand that this is the only way out and salvation from unrequited love.

Step by step

In a state of love, every passer-by wants to shout about his happiness. But in trying to get rid of these feelings, we usually close in ourselves - which, exactly, is contrary to what should be done.

If you are tormented by unrequited love, tell about it to your friends, acquaintances, relatives. The more you talk about it, the less tremulous feelings you will experience. Make out of a personal sense of the public.

Look for support from those who know how to get rid of feelings of love. It is necessary to realize that you are not the most unhappy person in the whole world, and, especially, not the first woman "stuck" is not in fact. There are a lot of books, films, forums devoted to the theme of falling in love. Distract from your love affair for reading the biographies of great women: in the life of each of them there must necessarily be a case with undivided feelings.

Recognize that you are in love. In order to overcome something, one must recognize the actual state of affairs. If you constantly brush aside the problem, insist that you do not experience anything, you will not be able to get rid of love, since you will not confirm its existence.

Frankly, alone with yourself

Psychology of lovers has one characteristic feature: the lack of clarity in the mind. You will not be able to deal with the problem until you understand the essence of it. In order to "talk" to yourself frankly, take a piece of paper and write on it all the claims to life: how they fell in love not in the "one", why he does not reciprocate you (maybe he just does not know about your feelings), what is your grief, why do you think that life without "it" does not make sense. And in that spirit.

You can still say it all out loud (alone, without listeners). All this will facilitate understanding of the situation and your well-being.

Talk to him

Women tend to talk about how a man hides his love , although men just do it much less often than ladies.

A man can be shy and timid. Then he will not dare to say first about his feelings, but will give the woman signs - sits down next, when around a lot of vacant places, make her pleasant signs of attention, help in work (if it is a question of colleagues), etc. But this is by no means called "hiding".

Women, being confident that they love unrequited, little by little begin to hate those who are in parallel like. An example, again from working life: meeting in the corridor, he greets her, as with all, and she turns away, whispered, or at all remains silent.

Men are not so clever to understand that we are doing this from great love. If you are in love, try to talk frankly with a man and put all the points above the "and". Either he will reciprocate, or all your petty hopes will be crushed, and the love will instantly dissolve.