Holidays in Bolivia

It's amazing, but having discovered Bolivia , I want to come back here again and again. This is a very popular place for tourists of any format. Let's try to understand why this is so.

Features of recreation in Bolivia

Bolivia is an amazing multinational state, highland, very isolated and incredibly beautiful. Rest in Bolivia will give you a lot of positive emotions and new knowledge, because you hardly know that the official languages ​​in this country are 37, and the local dialects are even greater.

  1. To visit Bolivia, residents of Russia and CIS countries need a visa that is issued in advance for long-term vacation planning or at the border of the country, if you have no problems with documents and law.
  2. By land, you can enter Bolivia through one of the five countries with which it borders - Brazil, Paraguay, Chile, Peru and Argentina. Here the transport system is well developed, especially the air communication, in many cities airports operate. For short distances, you can use the services of buses, but the railway because of the difficult terrain here is unpopular in principle.
  3. From the climate point of view, this country is very diverse, so prepare in advance for the fact that the photo from the rest in Bolivia will be many, and very different: from seascapes to mountain snows. There is a mass of mountain valleys, various landscapes, while neighboring cities and small villages can differ greatly in height from sea level, and this is their obvious attraction.
  4. The most popular time of rest in Bolivia for beginners is from September to February, when the temperatures of the tropical plains are kept at + 30 + 34 degrees. In winter, the average temperatures are + 13 ... + 20 degrees. The largest influx of tourists is observed seasonally in August.
  5. Bolivia does not have access to the sea, so you should not dream of a beach holiday in its classical sense. Fans of coastal recreation and diving tour companies will offer a visit to the shores of Lake Titicaca or much more modest nearby mountain water bodies, which are very many in the country.

Recreation and entertainment

In this amazing and beautiful country, time flies unnoticed, so we recommend that you plan ahead in advance and visit interesting places. The most popular tourist routes and types of recreation in Bolivia are:

Tips for tourists

For the first time thinking about rest in Bolivia, take into account the following facts: