Reproduction of fig tree by cuttings

For the decoration of the room, the spectacular ficus is used quite often. You can propagate this treelike flower in several ways. We'll talk about the propagation of fig tree cuttings at home.

Slicing cuttings of ficus

By the way, this is the most popular and effective way of breeding a houseplant. Usually, cuttings are recommended for harvesting in the spring. For cutting, use a sharp knife. When propagating by cuttings, a semicolored apex with a length of up to 12-15 cm is trimmed at the ficus of the rubber-bearing at an angle. The middle part of the stem is also used. On each cut should be 2 interstices (pairs of leaves). Then remove the bottom sheet, and the rest must be twisted into a tube and fixed or cut by half.

When propagating cuttings of the ficus of Benjamin , a small-leaved species, the tips of the lower shoots 5-10 cm long are cut off.

Ficus reproduction by cuttings - rooting

After cutting, the cuttings are placed in a glass of water for several hours to remove the milky juice. Then the blanks are left to dry. Since the rooting of ficuses is slow and not always effective, it is recommended to treat the cuttings with a powdered rooting stimulator - Kornevin, Ribav Extra, Heteroauxin.

In the future, two methods are used for rooting. At the first cuttings are placed in a container with warm water, in which it is necessary to dissolve wood or activated charcoal (1 tablet). Cuttings are placed in a light warm room. After 3-4 weeks on the bottom of the young plants will appear rootlets. Flowers are transplanted into separate pots.

Ficus cuttings can be rooted at once in a loose sandy-peat mixture. They are buried on one interstice, covered with a jar and placed in a warm bright place. Care involves frequent watering and ventilation. The emergence of new leaves testifies to the success of the rooting of the cuttings.