Olonets, Karelia

Who among us would not like to spend a vacation in a place with the purest air, beautiful nature and rich history? But you do not need to buy expensive tours and go to the far end of the world, it's enough to buy a ticket to the city of Olonets, which is in Karelia.

Olonets, Karelia - a bit of history

As shown by archaeological research, people began to settle in the territory of modern Olonets for a long time - the first parking places found here date back 2-3 thousand years before our era. And this is not surprising, because nature itself has taken care of making this region rich - a lot of rivers and lakes, forests that abound with mushrooms, berries and various livestock. In written sources, the first mention of Olonets can be found in the chronicles of the beginning of the 14th century, and in 1643 a fortified fortress was laid here. From that moment the story of Olonets begins, as an important border and trade center. But over time Olonets began to lose its strategic importance - after the war with Sweden, the border was pushed far north. Already in the middle of the 18th century, the dilapidated fortress was dismantled, and Olonets itself became a quiet merchant city district. Over time, the commercial importance of Olonets gradually came to naught - the merchants moved to St. Petersburg, located 300 km away, and the center of the province shifted to Petrozavodsk .

Olonets, Karelia - attractions

Stormy history of the 20th century could not but affect the appearance of Olonets, erasing almost all the sights from its face: the once formidable Olonets fortress, churches and monasteries, famous all over Karelia. Today, tourists who came to Karelia in Olonets by the savage can visit the unique temples of Frol and Lavra and the cemetery Assumption Church, walk along the unusual bridges, which in the city with eleven thousand inhabitants are as many as 8 pieces.

Lakes near the city of Olonets in Karelia will delight fans of fishing with an abundance of fish, and many ecologically pure mushrooms and berries grow in the forests. But, still, goose jogging was and is the visiting card of this area. Annually, the neighborhoods of Olonets become literally white from the migrating geese descending on them for a short rest, in honor of which in May the regular festival "Olonia - Goose Capital" is held.

Once in Olonets in August, you can see the "Milk Festival" with a traditional cows parade, and in December the city passes to the authority of the Olonets grandfathers Morozov, who conduct their traditional Winter Games here.