Is there a friendship between a guy and a girl?

The question of friendship between two people of the opposite sex is very ambiguous. Everything depends on people and their feelings towards each other. In general, children's friendship between a boy and a girl is quite normal. After all, children do not care for the difference in age, gender or nationality. But the older children become, the more their feelings change. So is the friendship between a guy and a girl or a craving for each other in the end everything always destroys, this article will tell.

Is friendship possible between a guy and a girl?

  1. Non-reciprocal feelings . Perhaps, most often the child or teenage friendship between a boy and a girl grows into a one-sided love without reciprocity. Usually one loves one, and another does not notice the changes in the relationship, continuing to consider it all just a close friendship. Such friendship, of course, is doomed to failure. In the future, the relationship either will move to a new level and become much more intimate, or else they will go down to no.
  2. Mutual attraction . It also happens that over time people associated with friendship, begin to realize that they are not just dear to each other, but they want something more. It is the attraction of the opposite sex to each other and is the first reason why there is no friendship between a guy and a girl. In this case, friendship develops into full-fledged relations. And usually such relationships turn out to be strong and real, because people who already knew each other from all sides before they first kiss, value not only their sexual side in relationships.
  3. A real friendship . Still, the friendship between a guy and a girl happens, even if such a "beast" is very rare. Friendship is a very close relationship, but there is no place for sexual relations and attraction. Since a long communication with a representative of the opposite sex, which you like, is almost impossible, then this friendship is rare. But nevertheless guys and girls can make friends and love each other with a kindred, brotherly love. And such love is often much stronger than passion.