Chicken stomachs - good and bad

Many people are happy to eat chicken stomachs, the benefits and harms of which depend on various indicators. Fresh and properly prepared stomachs, due to their nutritional value , will not affect the figure in any way, but only contribute to saturation of the body with an easily digestible protein.

Useful properties of chicken stomachs

You can talk about the benefits and nutritional properties of chicken stomachs or navels. They include:

Due to these components, the by-product has a beneficial effect on the whole organism:

  1. Stimulates the process of cell division and is therefore recommended for use by pregnant and young children.
  2. Improves the work of the entire intestine and promotes the appearance of appetite.
  3. Improves skin and hair.
  4. Increases the body's resistance and immunity.
  5. Strengthens blood vessels and heart muscle.

Useful properties and have yellow films, which during the purification of stomachs, most people just throw away. In fact, they need to be thoroughly washed, dried and ground in a coffee grinder. The remedy is used for diseases of the digestive tract, dysbiosis, diarrhea and for the prevention of dystrophy and rickets. Thanks to the enzymes that make up these films, they treat kidney stones and remove sand. But the result will not be immediate, and for a full recovery it will take a long time to take the powder. A teaspoon of the product must be washed down with water and it is preferably done on an empty stomach.

Harm of chicken stomachs

Many people are interested in the benefits and harm of chicken stomachs. In fact, harmful toxins in them can appear when the product begins to deteriorate. The shelf life is not more than two days, therefore, after this period the navel should be disposed of.

Please note that all the useful properties of the product will be destroyed after the freezing process, so try to purchase only a fresh product that probably did not yield to freezing.

Some people may have an individual intolerance to chicken navel, which manifests itself in the form of indigestion and allergic rash. In this case, you should refrain from eating them.

Caloric value of the product

In the chicken's ventricles contains about 22% of the protein that is useful and well digested by the body. On average, the calorie content of chicken boiled stomachs is equivalent to 130-170 kcal per hundred grams. Nutritional value of the product: proteins - 21 g, fats - 6, 4 g, carbohydrates - 0.6 g. Thanks to such indicators, navels are an excellent dietary dish that will not hurt the figure and will not add extra inches to the waist. Caloric content of chicken boiled stomachs is quite low, therefore, it is ideal for those who need to get a large amount of protein and do not get better. Dishes made from this by-product can be eaten in unlimited quantities, that during its preparation a large amount of fatty cream or oil is not used. Chicken stewed stomachs have a caloric content slightly lower and do not exceed the rate of 75 kcal per 100 g. At the same time, the quenching process must be long, so that the dish turns tender and tasty. It should be noted that the use of onions, carrots and cream during quenching significantly increases the caloric content of the product, although it improves its taste.

If you watch for health and proper nutrition, then chicken stomachs, the benefit and harm of which depends solely on the quality of product storage, is recommended to be included periodically in the diet.