Ayurveda - diet for weight loss

The term "ayurveda" in the dialect of devanagari means - the science of life. In South Asia, ayurveda is practiced as a traditional system of alternative medicine, using massage techniques, yoga and herbal extracts.

According to the teachings of Ayurveda, diet for weight loss should be selected according to one of the three existing body types: cotton wool, pitta, kapha. Having determined what type you are, you can find out the most suitable diet for ayurveda for weight loss. But there is a list of general recommendations for all three types of physique, performing which can reduce weight.

Ayurveda recommendations for weight loss

  1. In the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of warm boiled water, and continue to drink it during the day every half hour.
  2. Plan the main, most caloric intake of food in the time interval from 11 to 14 hours. At this time, the metabolism reaches the highest level and is called fire.
  3. To go on a night rest not later than 22 pm. Because the brain is most effective rest and restores from 22 to 24 hours.
  4. In the evenings, do not intellectually load your head, it is better to postpone mental activity in the morning.
  5. You need to eat only fresh and useful products, preferably of organic origin. Cooking is worth one meal, because yesterday's dish is not considered fresh. Exclude synthetic food additives in all their manifestations, and especially fast food.
  6. Taking food, a person sates the body and soul with energy and strength, therefore it is necessary to do this in a calm environment without the influence of external stimuli. These are TV, radio and books, refuse them during meals.
  7. After each meal, you need to chew a quarter of a teaspoon of fennel seeds. They will help to accelerate the metabolic processes and will allow fat to be deposited on the walls of organs and tissues. Chew them carefully, for 5 minutes, and then spit and drink with water.

The organism, experiencing stress during large breaks between meals, begins to stock up on resources, insuring against hunger. These resources are debugged in the form of subcutaneous fat. To avoid such baggage, you should develop a daily routine, including meals and follow it. Thanks to this, the body will get used to the fact that at a certain time it will be fed, and will not experience hunger.

Ayurveda for weight loss products

To date, entrepreneurs have picked up a wave of popularity of Ayurveda and Vedic elements in general. You can meet not only the individual means of Vedic medicine, but also entire specialized pharmacies. Before buying anything in them, remember the main principle of Ayurveda - only natural and freshly prepared. No tablet, powder and solution with a shelf life of one year or more can be manufactured without preservatives and technologies.

Only the way of life and natural ingredients, including spices and herbs, can be considered ayurvedic means for losing weight. The most popular means of ayurveda for weight loss today are: