What is useful cooked pumpkin?

Pulp of a wonderful vegetable - pumpkin - you can cook in the oven or on the grill, in any form it will turn out delicious and useful. Cook a pumpkin, if the resulting dish should be soft and light. What is useful for the human body is a boiled pumpkin - people with chronic diseases and parents of young children should learn.

Useful properties of boiled pumpkin

Cooked pumpkin preserves a large number of useful substances, but it is easily digested and can be used for stomach problems. A delicious dish for a child will turn out if you beat a boiled pumpkin in a blender to a puree state and add a little jam or butter (for better assimilation of vitamin A).

First and foremost, the value of the pumpkin is explained by its composition, in which it is possible to detect vitamins. Of particular importance are vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on the immune system, as well as a rare vitamin T that fights against anemia and improves blood composition. A lot in the pumpkin and carotene, which is good for eye health.

Valuable pumpkin and mineral composition, among macro- and microelements, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, phosphorus, cobalt are found. These components are important for quality metabolism , improving the performance of all organs, removing excess water and toxins. Limit pumpkin in the diet is necessary when the acidity of gastric juice is low .

Certainly you need to include in the menu a boiled pumpkin with:

Is a cooked pumpkin for weight loss?

The value of boiled pumpkin for weight loss is explained by low calorie content and high fiber content. Caloric content of pumpkin is 22 kcal. And thanks to fiber, pulp flesh easily removes the gastrointestinal tract from all harmful substances. Active biological components of the pumpkin contribute to the removal of excess fluid and cholesterol.