New Year's morning performances in kindergarten - preparatory group

The New Year celebration in the pre-school establishment is one of the most amazing, beautiful and magical holidays for small karapuzes. They begin training for him a couple of months before the planned date, and the organization largely depends on the script, the availability of costumes for adult actors, scenery, musical accompaniment and any additional attributes.

The main components of the holiday

For the preparatory group C in general, it is customary to conduct in the form of a game-dialogue on various topics between adult celebration characters and children.

Children's suits

At this age, the kids are no longer dressed only in Snowflakes and Zaichikov, but they are recommended to divide them into several role groups, depending on who they represent on the holiday. In addition, in addition to the main categories: Starlets, Snowmen, etc., the children have "major roles": New Year, Metelitsa, December and January, etc. As everyone knows, costumes need time to be developed, so parents should be informed at least a month about the role their karapuza plays.

Words for children

As already mentioned above, the New Year party in the preparatory group is usually held in the form of a dialogue. It can be not only a standard conversation between the Snow Maiden and the little ones, on the theme "Let's call Santa Claus", but also various scenes with group answers between the adult character or the children playing the main characters and the other youngsters. As you understand, the roles of "protagonists" are given to especially artistic kids, who are able not only to reincarnate in their character, but also to learn a lot of text. An example of such a dialogue between the New Year and children is given below:

New Year: There is still a game for you:

I'll start the poem now.

I will begin, and you finish!

Answer together in chorus.

The snow is coming out in the yard

Soon a holiday ...

Children: New Year!


New Year: Needles gently glow,

The coniferous spirit comes from ...

Children: Christmas trees!


New Year: Branches are slightly rustling.

Beads are bright ...

Children: Shine!


New Year: Belous, red,

Under the branches of Grandfather ...

Children: Frost!


New Year: Doors wide,

Exactly in a fairy tale, the round dance is ...

Children: Dance!


New Year: And over this dance

Speech, songs, sonorous ...

Children: Laugh!


New Year: Happy New Year,

With new happiness at once ...

Children: All!


New Year's party in the kindergarten of the preparatory group implies the presence in it of not only poems, dialogues, dances and songs, but also games. Some of the most common amusements for children of this age are:

  1. "Catch up the glove of Santa Claus". It consists in the fact that Grandfather Metelitsa carried away the mitten, and the Snowman tries to catch her. To do this, the children become in a long chain or circle and transfer the object to each other, so that the Snowman can not quickly take the mitten in his hands.
  2. "Herringbone". The game is a flip-flop in which Baba Yaga specifically tries to confuse the guys, asking about the size of the Christmas tree: large, small, wide, etc. On the question "Is the Christmas tree large?" The children raise their hands up, and Baba Yaga, on the contrary, drops them to the floor, etc.

An interesting New Year's party for the preparatory group may include not only the availability of standard headings in the script, but also such as "Guessing desires". This is a relatively new vision of the celebration and represents a kind of dialogue between the adult character and the kids:

Character: Happy New Year, congratulations!

Children: Yes-yes-yes!

Character: And, of course, we wish!

Children: Yes-yes-yes!

Character: To be beautiful, kind, dear!

Children: Yes-yes-yes!

Character: Both screaming and pugnacious.

Children: No, no, no!

Character: Must be happy!

Children: Yes-yes-yes!

Ideas for scripts

As it became clear, there can be a lot of plots, but no one will deny that there must be both positive and negative heroes in the script who will interact with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

New Year's performances in the preparatory group for fairy tales can be done on the basis of both classical works "Neznayka and His Friends" and contemporary ones: "Masha and the Bear", etc. An example of one of such scenarios is given below:

"Masha, the Bear and Father Frost"

Adult characters: Bear, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Leshy, Baba Yaga, Blizzard.

Children's main characters: Masha, Squirrel, Month.

Groups of children: Snowflakes, Asterisks, Bunnies, Snowmen, etc.

On the eve of the new year, Baba Yaga kidnaps Masha to eat her, and Yelochka, so that the new year does not come. Mishka goes through the forest to save them. On the way he meets Belochka, who decides to show him the way. Having learned about this, Baba Yaga lets them blizzard and goblin, able to reincarnate in different animals. The snowstorm falls asleep all over with snow, and Leshy, using the situation, steals Squirrel and assigns it to Baba Yaga. After this, the villain returns to Mishka, turns into a squirrel, and, showing him the wrong road, disappears. Night falls, the Month descends to the desolate Mishka. Learning about what happened, he decides to help the bear and asks the Stars to line up, following which, Mishka will find Baba Yaga, and also promises to inform Santa Claus about the tricks of the villains. Mishka starts the journey, getting acquainted with bunnies, wolves, snowmen, etc. on the way. All the heroes go to the hut of the villains and then Baba Yaga, Blizzard and Leshy jump out. They begin to conjure, and all the characters fall asleep, but then there are Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden and freeze the villains, wake Mishka and his friends, save Masha and Yelochka. After that the grandfather lights the tree and the New Year comes.

In addition, for the preparatory group, you can spend the New Year Matinee masquerade, where all toddlers should have masks. The script for this holiday can be any subject, but with one general component, for example, based on the works of Alexander Pushkin or on Russian folk tales, etc.

A modern New Year's party for a preparatory group will never do without miracles. And here you can show creativity in full: to light the Christmas tree not with the staff of Santa Claus, but, for example, with the help of the dance of the Stars or Gnomes-lanterns, to give gifts not for the told poems, but for finding the bag of Santa Claus, stolen by Baba Yaga, etc. Fantasize, and your pupils, along with their parents, will be grateful to you.