Ternosliva - good and bad

Ternosliva, which is better known as the thorn, prickly plum, oat plum and goat's berry, is widespread almost everywhere, but not all gardening gardeners like it. However, this prickly plum can not only be eaten, cooked with compotes and jams, but also used for medicinal purposes. About profit and harm are thorny in this article.

Composition and useful properties of thorns

In addition to proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fibers, the turn includes vitamins A , C, E, group B, minerals - potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, as well as pectins, tannins, organic acids, nitrogen compounds, phytoncides, essential oils, etc. Moreover, not only the bluish-black fruits covered with whitish bloom, but also flowers, bark, roots, branches are used in the therapy of various ailments. For the fruit is characteristic of blood purifying, anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and diuretic action. Tannins give the fruits a characteristic astringent taste, which also competes well with diarrhea.

The tremendous interest and the use of thistles are for pregnant women suffering from toxicosis . It eliminates nausea and facilitates health. Gummed berries are applied to wounds, calluses and other inflammations on the skin, especially accompanied by suppuration. The effect of such compresses is noticeable after a couple of days: the wound is cleared, less sore and begins to tighten. This natural antiseptic is able to help in the treatment of a variety of dental ailments. It is eaten and just to eliminate bad breath.

Useful properties of compote from ternosliv practically the same as fresh berries. This is an excellent way to saturate the body with vitamins in the cold season, when traditional berries and fruits have already moved away, and the goat berry continues to hang on branches until the frosts. The advantage of wine from the thistle is difficult to overestimate, because this drink improves blood circulation, dilates blood vessels, reduces blood pressure, has antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic effects.

The use of other parts of the bush

Decoction and infusion of flower thorn is used to purify blood and liver as an auxiliary therapy for oncological diseases and skin lesions - furunculosis, erysipelas, etc. Flowers, in contrast to the fruit, have a mild laxative effect, and they also soothe the nervous system well. Decoction of leaves since ancient times is used as a diaphoretic, diuretic and laxative. In the same respect, the roots of this shrub are also good, which can also help in the treatment of whitecaps. To do this, their broth is used for syringing. Young shoots and branches have a similar effect to raspberry - they remove fever, have a healthy effect, give the body strength.


At the thorny, like any treatment tool, there are not only useful properties, but contraindications, although this quantity is minimal in this berry. Do not recommend its use to people with high acidity of the stomach, suffering from an ulcer or gastritis. In addition, one should always remember about the possible individual intolerance and allergic reactions. If you are going to an important meeting or negotiations, you should not eat blue-black fruits, as they are able to color your teeth and tongue, which is ugly from an aesthetic point of view. In general, the berry is very useful, and does not lose its valuable qualities after freezing, so it can be harvested for the winter. But the bones contain the poisonous substance amygdalin, so their use inside is not recommended.