Fresh cabbage is good

Cabbage has always been one of the most popular vegetables. From its leaves you can cook not only borscht or salad. It can become a full dish if it is put out or fermented. In this article, let's see how fresh cabbage is useful, and how it can be included in the diet when losing weight.

Benefits and harm of fresh cabbage

First of all, fresh cabbage is useful for a large content of ascorbic acid . In a number of cases, 100 g of the product can contain up to 50 mg of vitamin C. Moreover, scientists have observed that when stored, its content decreases slightly. When fermentation, the content of ascorbic acid generally increases, as does vitamin P. In addition to the vitamins already mentioned, fresh cabbage is useful due to vitamins B, K, U, the latter being known as a "wrestler" with ulcers and inflammations. Of the nutrients the main ones are potassium, calcium and phosphorus.

However, like in any other product, it does not do without contraindications. Cabbage should be excluded from people suffering from high acidity of the stomach, intestinal spasms, exacerbations of peptic ulcer, as it irritates the intestinal mucosa, thereby increasing pain.

Caloric content of fresh cabbage

If we talk about the energy value of white cabbage , it is only 27 kcal per 100 g of product. The protein in it is 1.8 g, the fat is 0.1 g, the carbohydrate is 4.7 g.

Diet based on cabbage

The duration of the diet on cabbage is 10 days, and it can be repeated no more than once in 2 months. The food scheme is as follows:

  1. Breakfast : tea (green), coffee or still water.
  2. Lunch : cabbage salad with the addition of carrots and vegetable oil (it is better to use olive oil). 200 g of boiled beef or chicken. Can be replaced with lean fish.
  3. Dinner : cabbage salad with quail eggs, one fruit (you can not use a banana)
  4. 2 hours before bedtime - drink one glass of fatty kefir.