Vitamins for improving memory

In volume, the brain is an insignificant part of our body. But do you know how much the contents of our skulls consume? 20% of all energy entering the body, and if energy is not enough (for example, you are on a diet), the brain is a priority organ, and the rest of the body remains deprived. But even this sometimes is not enough for our gluttonous "computer" ... Headaches, absent-mindedness, bad memory , inattention - all this indicates that your brain needs vitamins to improve memory.

Group B

B vitamins, presumably, are created by nature to nourish our brains. Regulate "contacts" between brain cells, that is, they participate in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, as a result, they become the best prevention of schizophrenia (disconnected work of all brain cells). This complex of vitamins for improving memory allows us to concentrate attention, synthesize and regenerate cells, nourish our brains.

B1 is a well-known matter that our brain feeds on glucose. The main task of B1 is to turn glucose into a substance that is digestible for the brain.

B3 or nicotinic acid is the protector of cerebral vessels from atherosclerosis and stroke. This is a good vitamin for improving memory, since it is on it that a full flow of food into the brain depends.

B6 - synthesizes neurotransmitters.

B9 or folic acid - gives, so-called, sharpness of mind. It is this vitamin regulates the speed of thinking, its speed, it is responsible for the processes of excitation and inhibition in the nervous system.

В12 is our "alarm clock". This vitamin takes the brain from sleep to wakefulness, and is also responsible for adapting the organism to new latitudes and time zones. During sleep, our brain also works in an original way at the expense of B12 - it takes important information from a short-term memory to a long-term memory.


Antioxidants are needed not only to prevent skin aging, but also for the brain. Vitamins C, D, E are also very important vitamins for improving the memory of adults. Vitamin D prevents the development of tumors, E - protects against atherosclerosis and free radicals, and vitamin C - gives us mental stability in overwork.


It seems, the list, which vitamins for memory improvement should be consumed, is complete. But there are also mineral substances without which these vitamins are not absorbed:

You can scoop these vitamins from food, or from vitamin complexes. However, remember that organic vitamins are digested much better than synthetic vitamins.