Himalayan salt

Salt is necessary for human life - without it, the most important organs of our body, such as the heart and kidneys, simply can not function. However, most people do not understand that there are huge differences between standard table salt and natural, natural. To date, the salt that we buy in the store has nothing to do with the one our ancestors used. It is 97% composed of sodium chloride and 3% of chemicals, such as moisture absorbents and artificially added iodine. This is because salt crystals are processed at high temperatures, while they change their structure and lose all useful properties. An alternative in this case is Himalayan salt, the properties of which are unique and have no analogues in nature.

Certainly, Himalayan salt or as it is also called - pink, is the purest on earth. From the name it is clear that it is mined in the Himalayas - the highest mountains, where nature is not polluted with toxins and poisonous substances. This salt was formed in the process of merging the ocean salt with magma, due to which it has an uneven pinkish-brown hue. In India, it is also called black, but in fact it is gently pink with small patches.

The composition of Himalayan salt

If ordinary table salt consists of only two trace elements - sodium and chlorine, then in the Himalayan red salt, there are 82 to 92 different components. Of these, calcium , potassium, iron, copper, magnesium and many other substances necessary for the human body are present in large quantities. Such salt is mined manually, without the use of explosives, which allows preserving all its useful properties.

Application of Himalayan salt

In India it has long been believed that Himalayan black salt contains elements of fire and water, so it has a beneficial effect on digestion, improves appetite, promotes clarity of mind and prolongs life. Modern specialists are confident that the Himalayan salt:

This is not a complete list of the beneficial effects of pink salt on the human body. In general, it is very useful not only as an additive to food, but also in outdoor applications. Due to the presence of valuable organic compounds, Himalayan salt is used for massage, wraps and in stimulating masks for the face and scalp. Also, it can be added when taking a bath, for improving blood circulation throughout the body.

Himalayan salt has a specific flavor of boiled eggs. She is able to make a spicy note in the dishes of vegetables. It is especially useful to add natural salt to fresh vegetable salads. In this case, no need to add other spices - pink salt will perfectly complement the taste of the products, adding variety to the familiar dishes.

As prevention of various diseases, you can dissolve a pinch of Himalayan salt in a glass of warm water and drink on an empty stomach or before going to bed. The systematic use of natural salt, extracted from the Himalayas, will help to stay young, cheerful and healthy for a long time.