Sorbents for allergies

Sorbents are substances that have a chemical structure and are capable of selectively absorbing toxic substances in any form. The most famous sorbent is activated charcoal, it is known even to children. It is an affordable and inexpensive medicine capable of absorbing, that is, sorbing the toxins that cause some digestive disorders.

This simple remedy for "stomach diseases" was known even in ancient Greece and Egypt, in addition, it was used to treat open wounds. Today, people in sorbents need much more than our ancestors who lived long before our era. The organism of a modern person is daily exposed to the influence of poisons - cigarettes, alcohol, air polluted with exhaust fumes and industrial waste, and so on.

How to take sorbents for allergies?

Sorbent preparations for allergy in adults are used during the first hours of symptoms of an allergic reaction. The dose of the drug depends on the weight of the patient - about 0.2-1 g per 1 kg of weight. Thus, the daily dose of the sorbent is calculated, which is taken in three to four doses during the day. Most often the duration of the course is a week, in some cases it is prolonged to fourteen days, but this can happen only on the advice of a doctor. It is also important that at the end of the treatment the daily dose of the sorbent gradually decreases, as a result, on the last day the patient takes only half of the initial dose.

Also, the sorbent can be used for the prevention of allergies, in this case the drug is taken according to the following principles:

Despite the fact that the reception of sorbents extremely rarely leads to side effects and they can be take even to children, the course of treatment and dosage should be approved by a specialist, since in most cases treatment is individual.

The best sorbent for allergies

Among the huge amount of sorbing drugs we have allocated for you the following medicines that can save you from developing allergies: