Heartburn during pregnancy in the early stages

Among the many changes that expect a pregnant woman, there are not the most rosy. So, already at the earliest dates, heartburn, or reflux, which is not uncommon in pregnancy, can occur.

In vain there is an opinion that it is possible to face heartburn only when the tummy is already pressing on the internal organs - some future mothers are brought to fight it literally from the first weeks.

With a question, whether there is a heartburn on early terms of pregnancy, we have already understood. Unfortunately, such a situation is not uncommon. But whether it is worth it to tolerate or can and should be fought - we will try to understand this article.

Why do pregnant women have heartburn in the early stages?

Blame is omnipresent progesterone - the hormone of pregnancy. Of course, it is good when it is present in large quantities - it is a guarantee of the fetal bearing. But along with its positive influence, it also has a side effect - it relaxes the musculature of not only the uterus, but also all organs that have smooth muscles.

One of these organs is the digestive tract - the sphincter, which separates the esophagus from the stomach, relaxes, ceases to hold what is inside, and the half-digested food mixed with hydrochloric acid gets back into the esophagus.

This acid, which is needed for digestion, is a factor that irritates the delicate walls of the esophagus, causing inflammation and a very unpleasant sensation of bitterness and fire behind the sternum and in the throat. This sensation can be both insignificant and very strong, very negatively affecting the quality of life of a pregnant woman.

Heartburn in early pregnancy before delay

There is an opinion that even before the test shows two strips, one can learn about the onset of pregnancy by interpreting heartburn, as its sign at the earliest possible dates. Scientifically, this method is not confirmed in any way, since in order for progesterone to affect the state of the esophagus, it should be quite a lot in the body, which is not observed in the first four weeks.

Theoretically, we can assume this phenomenon only when the menstrual cycle of a woman is more than 30-40 days and she had an early ovulation. Then, before the delay, enough time passes and the pregnancy hormone is produced enough already so that it can cause heartburn.

How to deal with reflux during pregnancy?

With the causes of heartburn in the early stages of pregnancy, we have already figured out. Now let's talk about the fight against it. Endure such a state, definitely, not worth it. First, you should completely revise your diet and diet, and secondly, with unpleasant symptoms use special antireflux medications.

Take food in small portions, but often enough - 6-7 times a day. Thus, the woman will not feel hungry, but will not overeat, because excess food provokes the pellet contents of the stomach back into the esophagus.

From the diet should be deleted all harmful to pregnant - smoked meat, canned food, food additives and products with them, fatty, spicy, fried. It is not superfluous to reduce salt intake, since sodium in any form provokes heartburn.

Coffee, carbonated water, too acidic or, conversely, sweet fruit and vegetable juices are also banned. It is better to replace them with green or herbal tea and compotes from dried fruits.

To sleep it is desirable on a side, instead of on a back - in fact so the process of occurrence of a heartburn activates. In addition, at moments of exacerbation, it is advisable to sleep half-sitting, placing a large pillow under the shoulders and head.

If heartburn (or reflux) has arisen during pregnancy already in the early stages, then do not neglect drug therapy. The fact is that the means of Maalox, Almagel and Gaviscon are allowed to women in the situation. The active substance does not enter the blood and, therefore, the baby, but concentrates only in the digestive tract, being deduced naturally.