Nutrition during pregnancy

The nutrition of women who plan to become pregnant should be balanced and rational. A special diet before pregnancy is not needed, but to restrain yourself in eating fatty and fried foods will have to - it will help to not gain extra pounds during pregnancy.

Proper nutrition is one of the important components of the successful course and outcome of pregnancy, childbirth and fetal development. Until birth, the development of the child depends solely on the mother's nutrition. Proper balanced nutrition during pregnancy will prevent the risk of various troubles such as swelling, hypertension, diabetes of pregnant women, etc. A child in turn will not suffer from allergies and excessive weight.

It is important to know that excessive weight gain as well as shortage is a negative factor during pregnancy. The organism of the future mother provides primarily fetal nutrition, and if the mother does not have enough to eat, then this will not allow the fetus to develop properly. A mother who does not eat enough, has a risk of giving birth to a child with insufficient body weight, this can lead to both physical and psychological problems. Insufficient nutrition during pregnancy can lead to brain damage and metabolic disorders. As for excessive nutrition, it can also lead to unpleasant consequences. If the mother during pregnancy is rapidly gaining weight, the risk of developing diabetes of pregnant women increases, which can lead to the birth of a child with overweight (more than 4 kilograms). Thus birth can go through more difficult, because of the large size of the fetus, and the weight gained during pregnancy after childbirth will be more difficult to discard. The optimal weight gain depends on the initial weight of the expectant mother. The less weight before pregnancy, the more you can gain during pregnancy. There is a schedule of optimal weight gain, and if you try to stick to it, you will not have problems with childbirth. In the first trimester of pregnancy, weight gain should not be more than 1.5 kilograms, in the second trimester, 5 kilograms, and in the third trimester - 4 kilograms. On average, a week you should not gain more than 300 grams. The permissible caloric intake per day is 2000 kcal. In the period of breastfeeding, the amount of calories can be increased by 500-700 kcal.

Diet for expectant mothers

Control your weight will help diet during pregnancy. Doctors do not recommend cardinally changing the usual diet, you need to listen to your body, and there is what it requires. The main thing is not to overeat, because in the position where the future mother is, you should eat not for two, but for two - for yourself and the child. Diet during pregnancy (especially for women after 30) should be moderate, contain in their diet all the necessary components for proper nutrition and successful development of the fetus. Products that provoke weight gain are recommended to be excluded (flour, sweet and fatty), and to focus on proteins, vegetable fats, vitamins and minerals. It is also recommended to use vitamins for pregnant women, because during pregnancy the need for them increases substantially. As a source of vitamins for pregnant women it is recommended to use fresh vegetables and fruits. Council of doctors - 5 servings of vegetables and fruits a day. Seasonal vegetables and fruits can be varied with sauerkraut and dried fruits. Early fresh vegetables can contain nitrates, so it's better to refrain from using them.

In addition to fruits and vegetables, the basis of the nutrition menu during pregnancy should be meat, cereals, dairy products, oils. Now, more about each of the products.

Meat is the source of animal protein, vitamins and trace elements. The proteins contained in the meat create a building material for the tissues and organs of the fetus. Meat is recommended to eat low-fat varieties, boiled, baked or steamed. Preference should be given to veal, lean pork and chicken. You can also eat rabbit meat.

Dairy products are a source of calcium. Calcium is one of the components of the formation of a strong support base, i.e. the skeleton of the fetus. The most useful dairy products during pregnancy are kefir, cottage cheese and hard cheeses.

Cereals are a source of vitamins and trace elements, and the amount of carbohydrates and vegetable proteins necessary for a pregnant woman is contained in croups. Cereals are recommended to use the following types: oatmeal, buckwheat, corn and dark rice.

Oils - olive, sunflower, corn and linseed. These oils need to be added to the daily diet of a pregnant woman, season salads, add to other dishes. It is also recommended to drink an empty bowl of vegetable oil on an empty stomach. These oils contain vitamin E, which is necessary for bearing a baby.

Food is best eaten home-made, the purchased food contains various preservatives, the use of which will not benefit the fetus. It is recommended to exclude from the diet mayonnaise, sauces, sausage, sausages, smoked foods and salty.

Water can be drunk in the desired amount, but if there is swelling, it is desirable to reduce the amount of liquid drunk to 1 liter per day.

A salt-free diet during pregnancy will be an excellent preventive tool that will help get rid of excess kilos and remove excess water from the body. A salt-free diet means a complete refusal of salt in the form of salting products, the production of salt will take place only from products, and salt is contained in almost all products, but in different amounts.

Diet after pregnancy

Diet for weight loss in this period is not recommended, but there are certain rules that need to be followed. For example, to start eating after childbirth is necessary from small doses, there are 4-5 times a day, but in small portions, also the basis of the ration should be composed of liquid dishes, and it is best to drink only. During breastfeeding, you should refrain from eating fresh fruits and vegetables.

We wish future mothers to give birth to beautiful and healthy children, we hope, our advice will help you!