Chickenpox during pregnancy

Chicken pox is an infectious disease that is caused by a virus from the Herpesviridae Varicella Zoster family (Varicella Zoster) and transmitted by airborne droplets. This virus is more likely to infect children. And the disease they have is relatively easy, and after the disease is formed a lasting immunity for life. The danger is chickenpox during pregnancy.

How does chickenpox affect pregnancy?

Varicella and pregnancy are a dangerous combination. Chickenpox in early pregnancy can lead to spontaneous abortion. When chickenpox is infected later, stillbirth and fetal malformations are possible (scars on the skin, limb hypoplasia, mental retardation, micro-ophthalmia, cataract and growth retardation). It should be said that the development of vices in the fetus is extremely rare (in 1% of cases), so if a pregnant woman gets chickenpox - this is not an indication for the artificial termination of pregnancy. The threat to the fetus during infection of a pregnant woman in the period up to 14 weeks is 0.4%, in the period of 14-20 weeks - the risk for the fetus is not more than 2%, then the virus for the fetus is practically not a threat after 20 weeks.

The most dangerous disease of chicken pox in pregnant women is in the last days before childbirth (2-5 days). In this case, a newborn can have a congenital chickenpox in 10-20%, and the possibility of a fatal outcome reaches 30%. When congenital chickenpox affects the internal organs of the fetus, mainly the bronchopulmonary system.

Chickenpox in pregnant women - symptoms

Chickenpox during pregnancy begins with fever and malaise, these symptoms are several days ahead of the appearance of the rash. The rash begins on the head and face, gradually falls down on the back and trunk, rarely affects the limbs. The rash initially has the form of papules (a red tubercle that rises above the level of the skin), then a vesicle is formed in the place of the papule (a vial filled with serous fluid). The papule is replaced by a pustule - a bubble burst from the combs forms scales and crusts. The rash is accompanied by severe itching, and combing its elements can lead to bacterial contamination. A new wave of rash occurs 2-5 days after the first and all its elements exist simultaneously.

Treatment of chickenpox during pregnancy

The treatment of chickenpox during pregnancy is to take a specific immunoglobulin, which reduces even a small risk of a threat to the fetus. If the infection occurred before the birth, then, if possible, delay the delivery for a few days so that the fetus has time to get the maternal antibodies and thereby avoid congenital chickenpox. If this can not be done, the child immediately after birth is given a specific immunoglobulin, and the mother and child after delivery are transferred to a boxed department and prescribe antiviral drugs (zovirax, acyclovir, valtrex) to the child.

Prevention of chicken pox in pregnant women

Planning pregnancy after chickenpox can be without fear, because such a woman in the blood has the necessary antibodies to fight this virus. Women who have not had chickenpox as a child need to adhere to certain rules: to limit contact of a pregnant woman with chickenpox and undergo a laboratory blood test to identify immunity to chicken pox at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Having considered the danger of chickenpox during pregnancy, it can be concluded that women planning pregnancy should contact a specialized doctor for help, and planning after chickenpox does not require special training and special tests.