Red wine in pregnancy

Among all prohibitions for pregnant women, alcohol is a separate item. The fact that this applies to strong alcoholic beverages (vodka, cognac) is beyond doubt. And whether it is possible to use lighter drinks, for example, wine during pregnancy, we will try to understand.

Can I drink wine during pregnancy - let's talk about his harm

There is no general consensus among doctors and scientists. Some argue that wine for pregnant women is a poison that can lead to irreversible consequences for a child's future. Others are not so categorical. In this case, of course, it is not about drinking half a liter of wine at a time.

The use of a large amount of drink by a future mother can lead to problems in the intellectual, physical, psychological development of the child. Possible physical deviations include both external deformities and improper development of internal organs. It is impossible not to mention possible violations in the formation of the nervous system. This is due primarily to the content of alcoholic beverages, including wine, ethanol. It is he who can get into the blood of the child, penetrating the placenta.

Especially dangerous is the use of alcohol in the first and second trimester of pregnancy, when the formation of vital systems and organs of the baby. Up to 16 weeks, it is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages at all.

A glass of red wine during pregnancy and its benefits

At the end of pregnancy at 16 weeks, according to another category of scientists - a glass of dry red wine or Cahors in the diet of the future mother is entirely acceptable. But there are some important clarifications:

There is another opinion that red wine during pregnancy helps to solve such common problems as low hemoglobin and toxicosis. In the second case, a small amount (a tablespoon) of wine can reduce nausea and increase appetite. As for hemoglobin, it is necessary to note the following:

  1. On the one hand, red wine contains a large amount of potassium, in smaller doses - calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium and copper, as well as biologically active substances.
  2. On the other hand, there are a number of products that can increase hemoglobin and do not contain alcohol. Such products include meat (especially beef, liver), parsley, buckwheat, eggs, bananas, sunflower seeds, pomegranate juice, dog rose.

To use the products described above with anemia (and also for its prevention) or red wine in small quantities during pregnancy, a woman should decide herself. But is it worth the risk?

Wine during pregnancy is possible - a new point of view

At present, after a series of studies, scientists have started talking about the fact that red wine for pregnant women is not only possible, but also useful. A glass of wine, drunk once a week, positively affects the work of the heart, helps with insomnia and generally benefits both the future mother and the baby. However, if a woman is a supporter of this particular teaching, she should remember to follow the conditions described above. Wine should be of the highest quality and its quantity should not exceed 100 ml.

Everyone has the right to adhere to one or another point of view. A pregnant woman should always remember that she is responsible not only for herself, but also for her future child. Of course, if I really wanted to, and during pregnancy I was drunk several times on a glass of good red wine, it would not do any harm. You just need not forget about the sense of proportion and your interesting situation.