Regional placenta previa

The ideal position of the placenta is closer to the bottom of the uterus, more often on its front wall, and much less often - on the back. Not always the placenta can attach and begin to develop fully in this place, then this vital organ for the infant is attached from the opposite side closer to the uterus of the uterus.

Depending on the place of attachment, the placenta is distinguished:

The marginal presentation of the placenta is determined during the second planned ultrasound, until this time the placenta can move and rise to the normal position from the previously fixed wrong. However, the final diagnosis can be made closer to childbirth. This pathology is referred to as partial presentation. In the marginal presentation, uterine pharynx is blocked by the edges of the placenta by about a third.

Regional placenta previa - causes

The causes of marginal presentation can be hidden in the health of a woman. The most common cause is previously experienced infections of the genital tract, abortion, as well as complications in the first pregnancy. In addition, the presentation is observed in women who have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids or have an inborn pathology of uterine deformity. Endometriosis can also cause abnormal attachment of the placenta. After all, in this case the fetal egg was attached to that part of the uterus where the most healthy layer of the endometrium was. Incorrect location of the placenta is more often recorded in women with multiple births.

What is dangerous marginal presentation of the placenta?

With a marginal presentation, a woman may bleed. In this case, bleeding starts absolutely unexpectedly, without unpleasant sensations and pains for a pregnant woman. Most often, the risk period begins in the third trimester at 28-32 weeks of gestation or during labor.

With an incorrect presentation of the placenta, including the krai, the threat of miscarriage is much more often diagnosed. Also can be observed in pregnant hypotension - low blood pressure; and the development of anemia is not ruled out. In addition, with marginal presentation, the child may assume an incorrect position in the uterine cavity, which will require surgical intervention.

Regional placenta previa - treatment

As a rule, certain therapy for the treatment of marginal presentation is not used. The main points are the full or partial rest of the mother herself. This excludes lifting weights. From sex with marginal presentation of the placenta, as with another type, it is better to refuse.

And yet, with marginal presentation, constant medical supervision and timely diagnosis are required. The main indicators that should be monitored are a blood test for hemoglobin and coagulation. After all, if anemia develops, a woman will need to prescribe iron-containing drugs. A blood coagulation should be normal in case of bleeding. Blood pressure is also measured regularly. And, of course, ultrasound, which can more accurately determine changes in the placenta position.

Births with marginal placenta presentation

The decision on how the delivery will take place will be made by the attending physician, as well as the doctor who takes delivery. Therefore, it is better to contact the maternity ward before the onset of labor.

Births with marginal presentation of the placenta can take place naturally, if there are no other indicators for conducting a planned cesarean section . With this diagnosis, bleeding, as a rule, is not copious and stops as soon as the head of the baby covers the uterus' lining. However, there is always a high probability of completion of labor in an operative way, after all, it is often possible to establish exactly how much the placenta has blocked the uterine cavity only after the opening of the cervix for 5-6 cm.

At the level of modern diagnostics and medicine, a woman who is diagnosed with a regional placenta previa may not worry for her life and the life of her baby.