Why does miscarriage occur in the early stages?

Despite the high level of development of medicine today (obstetrics in particular), unfortunately spontaneous abortion, or "miscarriage" - is not uncommon at this time. Let's consider the main reasons for such a violation and try to answer the question as to why the miscarriage occurs in the early stages.

What are the causes of spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy?

Before considering the most common violations, which are an explanation of why so often miscarriages occur in the early stages of pregnancy, it is necessary to say that in most cases this is observed almost at the very beginning of pregnancy - 5-8 weeks.

If we talk specifically about why miscarriage occurs in seemingly absolutely healthy women, then the following reasons for such a violation should be named:

  1. Genetic disorders are in the first place among the causes leading to miscarriage. In most cases, genetic malfunctions are non-hereditary, but are the result of single mutations in the organism of future parents. They can arise under the influence of such harmful environmental factors as radiation, viral infections, occupational diseases, etc.
  2. Hormonal failure . The most common type of such is the lack of the hormone progesterone leading to miscarriage.
  3. Immunological factor. It consists in the discrepancy, first of all, of the Rh factor of the baby's blood, given the parameter of the blood of the future mother.
  4. Sexual infections, such as trichomoniasis, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, chlamydia , can also cause spontaneous miscarriage.
  5. Common infectious diseases, among which the most common are viral hepatitis, rubella.
  6. The presence of abortions in the past - also postpones its effect on the next pregnancy.
  7. Taking medications and herbs on short terms without medical consultation can result in the termination of pregnancy.
  8. Strong psychological shock can also lead to miscarriage.

How correctly to establish the cause of miscarriage?

In order to understand why such a phenomenon as a miscarriage occurred, doctors conduct numerous studies. When they are carried out, not only the woman herself is examined, but also the dead fruit, taking tissue sections for microscopic examination. Also carry out a genetic examination of both spouses, in order to avoid violations.

This type of research also allows us to ultimately establish why a married couple has a spontaneous miscarriage at an early pregnancy and how to help them.