Is there life after death - scientific evidence

Man is such a strange creature that it is very difficult to reconcile with the fact that it is impossible to live forever. Especially it should be noted that for many immortality is an indisputable fact. More recently, scientists have been presented with scientific evidence that will satisfy those who are interested in whether there is life after death.

About life after death

Studies were carried out that brought religion and science together: death is not the end of existence. Because only beyond the bounds of a person there is an opportunity to discover a new form of life. It turns out that death is not the ultimate feature and somewhere else, abroad, there is another life.

Is there life after death?

The first who managed to explain the existence of life after death was Tsiolkovsky. The scientist claimed that the existence of man on earth does not cease while the universe is alive. And the souls that left the "dead" bodies are indivisible atoms that wander the universe. This was the first scientific theory concerning the immortality of the soul.

But in the modern world there is not enough faith in the existence of the immortality of the soul. Mankind to this day does not believe that death can not be overcome, and continues to seek weapons against it.

The American anesthesiologist, Stuart Hameroff argues that life after death is real. When he spoke in the program "Through the tunnel in space," he was told about the immortality of the human soul, about what it was made of the fabric of the universe.

The professor is convinced that consciousness exists since the time of the Big Bang. It turns out that when a person dies, his soul continues to exist in space, acquiring the appearance of some kind of quantum information that continues to "spread and flow in the universe."

It is this hypothesis that the doctor explains the phenomenon when a patient experiences clinical death and sees "white light at the end of the tunnel". Professor and mathematician Roger Penrose developed a theory of consciousness: protein neurons contain protein microtubules that accumulate and process information, thereby continuing their existence.

Scientifically grounded, one hundred percent of the facts that there is life after death yet, but science is moving in this direction, conducting various experiments.

If the soul were material, then it would be possible to exert an effect on it and make it wish for what it does not want, in exactly the same way as it is possible to force a person's hand to make the movement known to her.

If people were all material, then all people would feel almost the same, because their physical similarity would prevail. Seeing the picture, listening to music or hearing about the death of a loved one, a feeling of pleasure or delight, or sadness in people would be the same, just as when experiencing pain they experience similar sensations. And people in fact know that at the sight of the same spectacle one remains cold, and the other worries and cries.

If matter had the ability to think, then every particle of it should be able to think, and people would realize that there are so many beings in them who can think, how much in a human body of particles of a matter.

In 1907, Dr. Duncan MacDougall and several of his assistants conducted an experiment. They decided to weigh the people dying of tuberculosis at the moments before and after death. Special beds for dying were placed on special high-precision industrial scales. It was noted that after death, each of them lost weight. Scientifically to explain this phenomenon it was possible, but the version was put forward that this small difference is the weight of a person's soul.

Is there life after death, and how can it be endlessly argued? But still, if you think about the facts, you can find some logic in this.