Slavic Chambers

Today, many people use horoscopes based on the zodiacal circle, but in ancient times the Slavs used its analogue - the Welding Circle. It includes 16 palaces, which have their name, patrons and talismans. It is necessary to understand the Slavic symbols of the palaces and its meaning for man. It is important to note that the Svarogye and the zodiacal circle have much in common with the features and qualities of the people.

How do you know your palate in the Slavonic calendar?

There are several ways to determine your Slavic sign, but the easiest and most affordable option is to use the date of birth.

How to find your palate Slavic sign of the zodiac:

  1. From September 20 to October 12 - the bench of the Boar . The patron is the god Ramhath, and the tree-amulet is a pear tree. Such people perfectly cope with different problems, possessing decisive character, while they are apathetic.
  2. From October 12 to November 3 - the palace of Pike . The patron is the goddess Razhan, and the tree-amulet is a plum. People with such a sign perfectly feel themselves in any situation, but it is quite difficult to interest them in some way.
  3. From November 3 to November 24 - the hall of the Swan . The patron is the goddess Makosh, and the tree-amulet is pine. Describing the Slavic palaces and their significance, it is worth saying that such people suffer from their own pride. They tend to the top, not paying attention to the opinions of others.
  4. From November 24 to December 17 - the temple of the Serpent . The patron is the god Semargl, and the tree-amulet is a linden tree. Such people can often be called egoists, but they are capable of self-sacrifice. For them, criticism is unacceptable.
  5. From December 17 to January 8 - the palace of the Crow . The patron is the god Kalyada, and the tree-amulet is larch. In a person with such a devil, curiosity and wisdom combine, which allows them to be called reliable.
  6. From January 8 to February 1 - the palace of the Bear . The patron is the god Svarog, and the tree-amulet is beech. Such people easily cope with difficult situations, being at the same time guardians of the family hearth.
  7. From February 1 to February 25 - the palace of Busla . The patron is the god of the Family, and the tree-amulet is the willow. A person with such a devil is calm and easily finds his place in life.
  8. From February 25 to March 22 - the palace of the Wolf . The patron is the god Veles, and the tree-amulet is a poplar tree. This Slavic hall gives a person perseverance and rigidity.
  9. From March 22 to April 15 - the hall of the Fox . The patron is the god of Marena, and the tree-amulet is a hornbeam. Thanks to innate cunning, such people often achieve tremendous success. Excessive curiosity sometimes leads to problems.
  10. From April 15 to May 7 - the hall of the Tour . The patron is the God of the Roof, and the tree-amulet is aspen. Such people have excellent business acumen, therefore in work and business they develop on all 100%.
  11. From May 7 to May 30 - the chamber of Elk . The patron is the goddess Lada, and the tree-amulet is birch. A person with such a trait is communicative, and all thanks to an openness and a good sense of humor .
  12. From May 30 to June 21 - the palace of Finist . The patron is the god Vyshen, and the tree-amulet is cherry. Finists are curious, but they are circumspect.
  13. From June 21 to July 13 - the hall of the Horse . The patron is the god Kupala, and the tree-amulet is elm. They are optimists who are imprudent, which causes problems.
  14. From July 13 to August 4 - the hall of the Eagle . The patron is the god Perun , and the tree-amulet is an oak tree. Eagles are strong and decisive natures, but they have a dreaminess.
  15. From August 4 to August 28 - the palace Rasa . The patron is the god Tarkh, and the tree-amulet is ash. Such people are kind and reasonable, but this does not prevent them from having fun.
  16. From August 28 to September 20 - the palace of the Virgin . The patron is the goddess Zhiva, and the tree-amulet is the apple tree. For Dev it is important in life to be independent, and also worth noting the stubborn nature.