How to draw a treasure map?

In order to have fun in a company of friends or family it is not necessary to spend money on the purchase of expensive board games. For example, a fascinating search for treasure can also be organized on a map made by yourself. A pirate treasure map is made simple enough, and all the necessary materials will always be found easily in any home. A sheet of a paper for a large company or a standard A4 sheet for two or three players, pencils or markers - that's all you need to prepare before drawing a treasure map!

It's time to get down to business!

  1. The first thing you need to do is place a piece of paper on a flat surface, fixing its corners (books will also fit). Now, using a pencil and ruler, divide it into four quadrants by drawing a vertical and horizontal line through the center of the sheet.
  2. A real pirate treasure map is always shabby, because she had to change owners many times! So, its edges should be drawn with "torn" lines. After that, three circles should be drawn on the map. A large circle should be at the intersection of the horizontal and vertical lines, that is, in the center of the sheet, and the small ones should be placed in the lower left and the right corners.
  3. A large circle, located in the center and acting as an island, should be shaped like a skull, one of the pirate symbols. To do this, use the wavy lines to draw the teeth, the eye sockets. To make the skull look more realistic, draw a few cracks on its frontal part. Small islands form the islands. The map should also draw a silhouette of a ship of pirates, a huge squid (anchor, chest, scroll - any pirate attributes will be appropriate).
  4. Draw on the map the water ripples with the same wavy lines, decorate the islets with images of exotic palms. Do not forget to sketch the nose, and most importantly - mark the X symbol of the treasure, which the players will look for.
  5. With dotted lines, mark on the treasure map the path along which the ship will move during the game. The auxiliary lines used during the drawing of the map can already be erased.
  6. Our pirate map, made by ourselves, is almost ready. It's a little thing - paint all the elements with pencils, age it , and you can start playing!

By the way, if you manage to make a treasure map on this canvas, you can use it as a wall panel, framed. And, of course, you can not do without a treasure map at a children's pirate party !