Winter slingokukurtka

Слингокуртки is something new in our market, new and very convenient. After a variety of slings and ergo-backpacks became popular among young mothers, not much time passed, and now there are also slingskirts that allow the child to be carried in the sling to the street even in winter, without experiencing any inconvenience. But let's take a closer look at what kind of winter slingokurtki, how to wear a slingokurtku and how to choose it correctly.

How to choose a slingokuktu?

So, what factors need to be considered when choosing and buying a winter slingokuktki? In fact, these factors are not so many, but still need to choose with all the care and attention, because you will wear a jacket not only you, but your child, about the convenience of which you have to take care. Let's look at all these factors in detail.

Versatility of slingokukty. Of course, slingokurtki are not only winter, but for the other three seasons. True, here is the winter slingokuktka is the most interesting and multifunctional. Initially, the slingokurtki were just slingokuktkami, it was impossible to wear them like an ordinary jacket. Now such a model, probably nowhere to be found. At the moment, the most comfortable is the 3-in-1 winter sling-jacket. Such a jacket is universal, as it can be worn as a simple jacket, like a sling for pregnant women and directly as a sling-jacket. That is, you can wear a winter slingokuktu as a jacket for pregnant women, later to wear a baby in it, using it already as a slingokurtku, and even later to wear it already just like the most ordinary jacket. The convenience of such a jacket is that with a gentle toe and, of course, its good quality, you will have enough for a long period of time, and not exclusively for the period of pregnancy and wearing a baby in a sling. So, when choosing a winter slingokurtku, it is best to choose the model 3 in 1.

Slingers . When you choose your clothes, you, of course, pay attention to its versatility, which we did in the paragraph above, but when choosing a sling-jacket it is necessary to pay attention to the quality and convenience of the sling-ware, for which, in fact, this jacket is purchased . So, there are three different types of slingovstavok:

You can immediately say with confidence that the last kind of slingovstavka is the most convenient, both for the mother and the child. The first and second type of inserts may not be suitable for a child, since all people and children are different in size. But the trapezoidal insert is universal. The position of the child in it will be perfectly right and comfortable, and this insert is also convenient because it can be used in pregnancy to get a winter sling for pregnant women.

Here, in principle, and all the criteria for choosing slingokurtki. Of course, you pay attention to the style of the jacket, and the color, and the pattern, but these are all trifles, with which you can figure out yourself, guided by their taste and style preferences.

How to carry a child in a slingokukrke?

With the criteria for choosing a sling-jacket, we sorted it out, and now we move on to an equally important question: "How correctly to carry a child in a sling-jacket?". Pay attention that the slingokrutka is not used for carrying a child. You are wearing a child in a sling, and the jacket is only worn on top for comfort and warmth in the winter, as the child in a warm jacket in a sling can not be vilified. The child's position in the sling under the jacket should be vertical and comfortable. If the child does not yet keep the head, then make sure that the sling is well supported.

The answer to the question "how to dress a child under a slingokurtku?" Is very simple. Slingokurtka made specifically to ensure that the child was comfortable to wear in sling, even in winter. That is, you, of course, wear warm clothes, but do not forget that on top of him will be a warm jacket, and besides, the child will be pressed to your body, which also will not allow it to freeze.

At what age can you use a slingokukurtu? This question is asked quite often. Begin to wear a baby in a sling can be approximately from two to two and a half months and at the same time you can start using a slingokurtku.

Slingokurtka - a necessary part of the wardrobe for a young mother, as it is very comfortable, comfortable and versatile.