Signs of hepatitis

To date, hepatitis is the most common liver disease, but it is most often detected accidentally when examining other diseases. In order to time to discern and recognize this ailment, one should know the most characteristic signs of hepatitis.

Symptoms and signs of hepatitis

It is worth saying that there are several types of hepatitis that affect the liver. In hepatitis A, B, D, G, TT - the liver and biliary tract are affected, and with hepatitis C - cirrhosis of the liver or cancer can develop. The most dangerous is the combination of several types of hepatitis, which can lead to hepatic coma and even fatal.

Depending on the incubation period, the first signs of hepatitis can appear in 2 weeks, and in some cases - after 2 months. It is very important to know that signs of hepatitis C infection may never manifest. This disease is dangerous and that it can not be felt for a very long time and only when it goes into a more serious form, for example, cirrhosis of the liver, it can be identified. Therefore, one should know the most frequent signs of viral hepatitis, in which you should always consult a doctor and take the appropriate tests:

Characteristic signs of viral disease of hepatitis A can manifest themselves as early as the second week of the disease, but with hepatitis C they can not be detected until 50 weeks later. The cause of hepatitis A can be unwashed hands, contact with a sick person or dirty water. In this case, the disease passes in a few weeks or months and does not greatly affect the liver. With hepatitis B, rashes, as well as an enlargement of the liver and spleen can sometimes occur.

Possible complications

Signs of hepatitis C can be burdened with signs of liver cerosis or jaundice. In this case, without timely treatment with antibiotics and hepatoprotectors, a fatal outcome is possible. This type of disease can be transmitted in such ways:

The most dangerous thing is that the first symptoms can be undetected by the patient on time, and the disease can develop into cirrhosis or liver cancer. It is the types of hepatitis A and B that most often turn into a chronic illness, which is very difficult to treat.

Signs of chronic hepatitis:

It is worth noting that often this happens: hepatitis can occur first in an acute form, and then go into a chronic form. This occurs in 60-70% cases of diseases.

Prevention of hepatitis

In order to minimize the risk of contracting this disease, the following recommendations should be followed:

Remember that signs of hepatitis C infection may not appear for a long time, so, whenever possible, try to periodically take all the necessary tests, especially if in the circle of your communication there are people with this disease.