Compote of dried apricots - delicious and healthy home-made recipes for the whole family

Compote of dried apricots is no less popular than a drink from fresh apricots. Excellent quenches thirst, contains many vitamins, helps to regulate the intestines. Dried fruits can be combined with fresh, dried or canned fruits and berries.

How to cook compote of dried apricots?

Classic compote of dried apricots to cook very easily, doctors advise to drink it more often in the spring, when the body especially needs vitamins. And there are a lot of them in dried fruit, as well as mineral substances. Correctly harvested berries give a clear, amber color, a special taste gives honey a drink. A few secrets, how to cook a delicious compote of dried apricots, will help make the drink more original.

  1. Dried fruits should be dropped only into boiling water, and not into cold water.
  2. Useful properties of dried apricots retains only the first 12 hours after cooking, so do not brew a lot of drink for future use.
  3. To compote of dried apricots acquired a light acidity, it is necessary to add citric acid to the cooled liquid: 1 teaspoon per 2 liters of water. You can replace a tablespoon of lemon juice. It is important to remember that in hot water vitamin C loses its qualities.
  4. A pleasant shade will give the drink a handful of dried rose hips.

Compote of dried apricots - good and bad

Dried apricots are dried apricots dried according to a certain technology, high-quality dried fruits differ in orange tint, firmness, sweet taste. Compote of dried apricots, whose benefits are undeniable, thanks to carotene and ascorbic acid, they restore immunity well, and vitamin B significantly improves vision.

  1. Magnesium in the berries supports the nervous system.
  2. Potassium normalizes the water balance.
  3. Cleanses the intestines, improves metabolism.
  4. There is tissue regeneration.

But the presence of many positive properties does not mean that you can drink compote from dried apricots without restrictions. A drink will be harmful if:

  1. There are diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Diagnosed with hypotension or diabetes.
  3. There is an allergy to dried fruit, which is immediately noticeable by itching rashes.

Compote of dried apricots and prunes - recipe

If you want to give the drink an unusual taste, you can prepare compote from dried apricots and prunes . Dried apricots are better to buy a little darker and matte in color, bright yellow indicates the presence of additives. Dried apricots need to be washed and soaked for 15 minutes, with prunes it is not necessary. But if dried fruits have got very dry, it is desirable to fill them with boiling water for 20 minutes.

Ingredients :


  1. Dried fruits, rinse, soak.
  2. Water boil, put dried apricots and prunes.
  3. Add sugar.
  4. Stir, throw a lemon.
  5. Cook on low heat for 30-40 minutes.
  6. Insist, cool down.

Compote of dried apricots and raisins - recipe

To make a useful and tasty compote of dried apricots, it is recommended to add raisins. The beauty of this drink is that it can be cooked without cooking. It is only necessary to add the drying in a thermos and pour boiling water overnight. By morning the tasty knot will be ready. Very invigorating, both hot and cold. The thick of compote can be eaten separately.

Ingredients :


  1. Dried apricots and raisins, soak in warm water for 10 minutes.
  2. Boil water, lay dried apricots and raisins.
  3. Add sugar.
  4. A compote of dried apricots and raisins is cooked for 10 minutes.

Compote of fresh apples and dried apricots

When buying dried apricots, it is worth remembering that they should not be saturated orange. This indicates an additive such as anhydrite, which can cause poisoning and even an attack of bronchial asthma. Many housewives dilute the drink with other fruits, a delicious compote made of dried apricots and apples.

Ingredients :


  1. Apple to wash, remove bones, cut into pieces.
  2. Dried apricots for 10 minutes in warm water, rinse.
  3. Water boil, put the dried apricots and apple.
  4. Cook for 5 minutes, insist.

Compote of dried apples and dried apricots

Compote of dried apricots and apples - the recipe is also beneficial because the fruit can be eaten separately or used for filling pies. Some economical housewives use the compote thick to weld another portion of the drink. But this is justifiable, if the knot is too thick, the fruit is not watery. For compote, you can use dried apples. It is desirable to soak them in hot water, the bay for 15 minutes.

Ingredients :


  1. Pour dried fruit with warm water, leave for 15 minutes.
  2. When the water boils, put sugar, apples and dried apricots.
  3. Cook for 5 minutes, add cinnamon and anise.
  4. Cook for 1 minute, remove from heat, insist.

Compote of dried apricots and dog rose

In this drink you can add any fruits, including lemon, figs and pears. In the summer heat, the compote of dried apricots without sugar, with the addition of rose hips, quenches the thirst best. To hard berries are well brewed, they need to properly cleanse the seeds, finely podrubit. It is important for dried apricots to choose a clean, without black spots. If there are any, it does not indicate the ripeness of the fruit, as the sellers assure, but that dried apricots were taken for drying.

Ingredients :


  1. Dry the dried apricots and rinse them.
  2. Briar rose from seeds and hairs.
  3. When the water boils, throw the berries.
  4. Boil the compote of rose hips and dried apricots should be 5 minutes.

Compote of dates and dried apricots - recipe

Often in compote sugar is replaced with honey, it gives a special taste. It is put when the drink has cooled to room temperature. Often honey is dissolved in warm water and poured into compote. You can use just a few varieties of honey, it will give a unique flavor. If you change them, then the drink will be different each time. Perfectly absorbs honey compote from dried apricots and dates. When buying fruit, try to try so that they do not bitter, otherwise the taste will pass to the drink.

Ingredients :


  1. Dried apricots and dates for 10 minutes, rinse.
  2. Cut into pieces.
  3. Sugar warm in a skillet, pour water, boil.
  4. When the water boils, put the dried fruits, add syrup.
  5. Cook for 5 minutes, insist.

Compote of dried apricots and orange

Vanilla and other spices are put into the drink when it is removed from the fire. So they better give away the fragrance. You can arrange spices, then each time the knot will acquire a new taste. Compote of dried apricots - the recipe is very simple, you can diversify it by adding an orange. Citrus fruits must be peeled off, otherwise the white film will give bitterness.

Ingredients :


  1. Oranges cleaned, cut into pieces.
  2. Dried apricots, washed, chopped.
  3. Throw in boiling water with sugar.
  4. Cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Add oranges, stir, remove from heat.
  6. Compote of citrus and dried apricots should be insisted 2 hours.

Compote of dried apricots in a multi-

The easiest way to brew a drink in a multivark, this will save time significantly. Many people like the compote of dried apricots and mandarins . Citrus must be properly cleaned. Since there is no compote for the mode in the multivarquet, you can choose "Heating" - for 90 minutes, it is considered the most successful option. On the "Quenching" mode - for 40 minutes, the drink will be more saturated. And if you put on the "Bouillon" - for 1 hour, then the compote will turn out very fragrant.

Ingredients :


  1. Dry the dried apricots, cut them, put them in the multivark.
  2. Pour warm water.
  3. Add sugar, stir.
  4. Oranges cleaned, cut into pieces.
  5. Install the desired program.
  6. Insist, cool down.