Exercises for breathing

We are completely dependent on the breath, because without air we do not live. The best exercise for breathing is to breathe. True, despite the fact that we rarely think about this physiological process, breathing can be right and less correct.

Correct breathing provides our body with a large amount of oxygen, activates the metabolism and trains the muscles of the press. Alas, most people do not fully saturate themselves with oxygen.

An exercise

Now we will teach you the exercise for proper breathing.

The left palm is lowered on the abdomen, the right hand on the chest. Let's try to inhale through the nose and relax the lower abdomen, while slightly inflating the stomach. On exhalation - the lips need to fold with a tube, pulling the muscles of the press.

Total: on inhalation the stomach is inflated (we try to let in air as low as possible into the stomach), and on exhalation - the press strains (we blow out their belly air).

We must try to ensure that the thorax does not move with all these manipulations.

At the same time, there is nothing better for losing weight than this breathing exercise. On inhalation, muscles stretch, and on exhalation shrink - just as in exercises for the press, which we excruciatingly perform.

When we exhale, we must try to stretch ourselves as high as possible - for the top of the head we pull the whole spine upward.

Thanks to abdominal breathing, there is a massage of the diaphragm and internal organs. Including, this massage is favorable for the digestive system, accelerating the processes of digestion of food.

Energy composite exercises

For a more perfect performance of this exercise, which itself, should become a normal way of breathing, you can add a little imagination and yoga . In the place where we fix the right hand, is our heart chakra. We must imagine that we breathe in this place. When we breathe in, a bright, beautiful, healthy and radiant airflow goes down the stomach. We are filled with this light. When we exhale, we can see how the air stream rises along the spine and flows into the heart.

Thus, breathing exercises will teach you how to rotate energy in your body.

Yes, we heard about the common expression "Breathe full of breath." Indeed, we forget that we were born, experts in the complex of exercises for breathing, because after being born, the baby makes his first breath with the stomach. However, the desire to look slimmer, makes us draw in the stomach, and the thought of putting air into it scares you to show yourself more fully to the surrounding. In fact, you just need to get used to, with training, breathe diaphragmatic (abdominal) breathing. This will not make you thicker, but on the contrary, as nothing else, will strengthen the press.