Casein protein is good and bad

Casein protein is a sports supplement based on milk. The main advantage of this powder is that it slowly dissolves in the stomach, releasing the substances beneficial to the body. It is casein protein that is very popular among athletes, than it is due to what you now learn.

The Benefits and Harms of Casein Protein

To understand the properties of this additive, a huge amount of research was carried out, and many people in practice were able to evaluate all the benefits. Casein contains a full set of essential amino acids and even those that are not synthesized in the body. It is worth noting the high antikabolisticheskie ability of such an additive, which allows you to exclude the splitting of your own muscle tissue. That's why many people choose casein protein with increased weight loss training. The benefits of this supplement include the ability to stimulate protein synthesis in muscles, reduce appetite and provide long-term saturation. In addition, there is calcium in the supplement, which is important for bone tissue.

Now let's talk about the possible harm and shortcomings of casein protein. The danger of an additive is that it is often counterfeited. In addition, many people have an allergy to casein, which means they can not use the supplement.

It will also be interesting to know which casein protein is better to take. According to the existing ratings, several additives can be identified: MRM 100%, Casein Pro from Universal Nutrition, Casein from MusclePharm, Elite Casein from Dymatize and Gold Standard 100% Casein.

Let's see how casein is different from whey protein. First, it is already clear from the title that different ingredients are used for production. Secondly, casein is absorbed within several hours, and serum in a few minutes. Thirdly, whey protein is not recommended for drying and losing weight, as it provokes release of insulin. To achieve good results, it is recommended to combine these two types of protein.

How to take casein protein?

If the goal of training is a set of muscle mass, then you need to use the supplement for the night for 35-40 g. This helps to prevent the decrease in the anabolic process. In the event that the additive is chosen for weight loss, the protein will help get rid of fat, keeping the muscles. To do this, take 15-20 g. To suppress the feeling of hunger, you need to use the supplement 2-4 times a day: in the morning, between workouts and at night.