Mustard cuffs for children

Proven for years and generations cough remedy - mustard plasters. As first aid they were used by our grandmothers and mothers. And now it's our turn to figure out how to place mustards correctly when children cough, what is their principle of action, and what are they worth waiting for.

When it is possible to put mustard plaits on coughing to a child?

Laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia and other not only children's diseases are very amenable to treatment if combined with the main therapy use mustard plasters. However, many mothers often miss the opportunity to speed up the recovery process, since they do not know how to put mustard seeds safely for children with cough, and at what age can they be used.

In fact, mustard is a safe and effective tool that has helped cure far from one child. You can put them from an early age. The smallest patients are more suitable mustard plasters , made in the technique of cells filled with powdered dry mustard, more grown-up babies - you can put traditional sheets of thick paper, covered with a thin layer of mustard. The principle of action of both is the same, they differ only in the degree of intensity of exposure and the risk of damaging the delicate skin. Before you put caffeine mustard children 1-3 years, you need to apply a thin gauze or paper soaked in vegetable oil, or apply the product back. When the burning occurs, the procedure must be stopped. As a rule, children under three years old can stand 2-3 minutes, children up to 5 years can lie with a mustard up to 5 minutes, and the duration of the procedure for schoolchildren varies within 5-10 minutes.

Also, before you put mustard plasters to a child when you cough, you need to make sure that they are quality and fresh. The latter is distinguished by the absence of an acidic and musty smell, as well as the sharp aroma of flying mustard oil that appeared after wetting.

At what cough are put mustard seeds to children?

By the way, very often with acute inflammatory processes, mustard plasters are used as a "diversion maneuver", placing them on another part of the body far from the site of inflammation. For example, with a cold, you can put mustards on calves or heels, the procedure quickly will ease the symptoms and accelerate recovery.

You can not put mustard plasters at high temperature, allergic cough, individual intolerance, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma and oncological diseases. Also, this tool is contraindicated in pustular skin diseases, neurodermatitis or psoriasis. Do not use this product for more than 4 days in a row, as well as when irritation occurs on the baby's skin. It is strictly forbidden to put mustard plasters in the heart and kidneys, on the spine, mammary glands.