How to raise the immunity of a child?

According to statistics, about 75 percent of children under the age of 7 suffer from weakened immunity. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the immune system of babies is not yet developed as much as in adults.

In addition, modern ecological conditions and food products leave much to be desired. Children living in large cities, most often suffer from ARVI and other diseases, because with food they do not get enough vitamins and minerals, and, moreover, constantly breathe heavily polluted air.

Of course, all parents want their child to be sick as rarely as possible. In this article, we'll talk about how you can raise the immunity of a child, which drugs can be drunk for disease prevention, and what folk remedies can help in this situation.

How to boost immunity to an infant?

A child under the age of one year still can not take various drugs that help to strengthen the immune system. The most correct way to help the crumb to support immunity in this case will be the longest continuation of breastfeeding. Only mother's milk contains all the vitamins and trace elements that crumbs need at this age. In addition, with the mother's milk, the baby also receives antibodies that protect him from many diseases.

From the first days of life a newborn must be tempered - first with air, and then with water. Incredibly useful will be lessons in the pool for infants.

How to raise immunity to a one-year-old child and older folk remedies?

Many parents turn to a pediatrician with the question of how to raise immunity to a child. However, before resorting to medication, try the following simple tricks:

  1. Provide a healthy night's sleep of the baby for at least 9-10 hours.
  2. Do morning exercises and exercises.
  3. Walk on foot. Hiking is incredibly useful for health in general and immunity in particular.
  4. Every day, offer your child fresh fruits and vegetables, or a glass of freshly squeezed juice.
  5. For children older than 3-4 years, in the absence of contraindications from the cardiovascular system, it is useful sometimes to steam in a sauna or sauna, and also take a contrast shower.
  6. Before going to bed, you can offer a glass of warm decoction of lime or chamomile flowers, as well as ginseng or magnolia vine.
  7. In addition, the food should regularly eat foods that raise immunity in children - this is onion and garlic, nuts and dried fruits.
  8. Excellent stimulates the defenses of the body vitamin cocktail, consisting of lemon juice and honey. However, be careful - this mixture often causes allergic reactions.

What drugs can you give immunity to a child?

If your baby continues to get sick too often, and these techniques do not help to strengthen his immunity, you need to take medications. Perhaps, without the appointment of a doctor, you can use only one tool - all known fish oil. Currently, many manufacturers produce it in the form of convenient for the application of capsules, and now the child does not need to swallow liquid, disgusting to taste. But in the case of uncontrolled reception, even cod liver oil can be dangerous to health, so be sure to observe the recommended dosage.

Before buying any other medicines, you should consult a pediatrician. The doctor can prescribe complex multivitamin preparations, such as Pikovit syrup, or chewing tablets Multitabs. During the epidemic of influenza and other acute respiratory diseases, antiviral drugs (Grippferon, Viferon) are effective for maintaining immunity and preventing disease.