Tomato "Batianya"

Tomato is a healthy and tasty vegetable, indispensable on the table not only in season, but also throughout the year, in a processed and canned form. In connection with the wide area of ​​its use, it became necessary to breed varieties specifically for specific needs - for pickling, juiciness and, of course, fresh consumption. A special group of species called "salad" has been created for the latter, among which the tomato with the amusing name "Batianya" is popular.

Tomato "Batianya": description of the variety

In general, the variety is characterized as early-maturing - the time from planting to harvesting the first crop is on the average 90-95 days. Shrubs, 1.5-2 meters high, are usually planted 3 to 1 m² each. fruits differ in size - the average weight of each is 250-300 g, a distinct sweetish taste, soft sugary pulp, glossy smooth skin. The shape of the fruit is heart-shaped with a "nose" at the end, color - saturated, pinkish-crimson.

The fruiting period is quite extended, which is convenient when planting tomatoes "for yourself", that is, for example, for the gastronomic needs of the family. At the same time their productivity is extremely high. So, on average, with 1 m², you can collect about 17 kg of tomato variety "Batyanya".

Agrotechnical features of tomato production "Batianya"

Proceeding from the fact that the tomato variety "Batianya" belongs to the agricultural company "Siberian Garden", it becomes clear that this species is suitable for planting almost everywhere, even in the most favorable conditions of the middle belt and Siberia. In more southerly regions, such tomatoes will feel fine.

As for the soil, the most preferable of them are the lightly drained. Optimal, if before planting a tomato on them cucumbers, beans, onions, cabbage or carrots grew. Before planting on seedlings, the seeds must be treated with manganese. At the stage of sprouting 2-3 leaves, it is necessary to make her picking .

In open ground seedlings tomato "Batyanya" planted 55-70 days after planting, when the threat of frost passes. For irrigation, use warm water. During the entire period of vegetation, the bushes need to be regularly hilled, introducing pre-fertilizers - organic or mineral. Because the plants are high and the fruits are heavy, they need a garter. Seeds are sold in specialized