Sansevieria cylindrical

Sansevieria cylindrical is one of the species of sansevierium , refers to the decorative perennial plants of the family of agave. It does not have a stem, and tall, cylindrical leaves stretch out to 2 meters in height. They have a dark green color and longitudinal grooves along the entire sheet, and at the very top there is a spine, formed due to the drying of the tip.

How to care for sanseveria cylindrical at home?

The native land of the plant is the territory of South Africa. However, it is successfully and successfully cultivated by amateur gardeners around the world. Care for her is not difficult, and the view of this plant is exotic, due to what often becomes a green decoration of houses, apartments and offices.

Sansevieria cylindrical love good lighting, although not particularly demanding. The light should be bright, but not as direct as possible. The temperature of the air in the room where the flower grows must be within + 18-25 ° C, and in winter the temperature of the content is reduced to + 15 ° C.

Spray the plant is not necessary, it is sufficient to periodically wipe his leaves with a damp cloth. Watering can be done once a week - not before the ground in the pot dries. During the wintering period, water should be watered once every three weeks. And only if the temperature of the air decreases and the level of illumination decreases.

To feed a plant it is necessary not more often than once a month, and during a rest period - and it is not required at all. The transplant is carried out in the spring, when the container becomes tight. Do this no more than once in 2-3 years.

Sansevieria cylindrical - reproduction

Propagation of the plant can be cuttings, fission of the rhizome, leaf cuttings and secondary rosettes. The plant is so easy to take root that you can just stick a broken leaf into a sandy soil and sprinkle with charcoal. In general, sansevieria is excellent for beginning florists.