Flattened hydrangea - preparation for winter

In translation from the Greek language hydrangea is a vessel with water. So in life - hydrangea is a moisture-loving plant. Hortense looks very colorful on the lawns. And it does not matter in a group planting or a separate shrub. And gardeners with experience create with her picturesque compositions, especially effectively and magnificently it looks against a background of evergreen bushes.

Wintering of a panicle hydrangea

Each gardener has the right to decide whether he needs to warm a hydrangea for the winter or not. Of course, this still depends on the geography of the terrain and the cold resistance of the species. In the southern regions to cover hydrangeas for the winter is simply not necessary. But very young plants in the first years of their life, and especially in the year when they were planted, must necessarily be covered with dry leaves or spruce lapnika. With age, the hydrangea increases winter hardiness, then it will be possible to abandon shelter.

The panicle hydrangea is a winter-hardy species, it can be found even in the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. When preparing a panic hydrangea for the winter, it is necessary to take into account the climatic features of the site on which it grows. By the wintering period, you need to prepare in advance, in September, you need to stop watering the bush and remove the bottom leaves in order to begin to rustle its shoots. But before freezing, you need to remove all the leaves except those from above - they must stay to protect the tip flower buds.

Shelter hydrangea paniculate

Before you begin to insulate, you need to know what kind of view on your site is growing. Hortensia paniculate always blossoms on the shoots of the current year. Its largest flower buds are in the lower and central part of the plant. Therefore, even if the ventral hydrangea frosts the ends of the branches, this will not affect the development of the whole plant.

But on the shoots of this year, flower buds begin to form - they should be preserved during the entire frosty period. It is necessary to take into account these features in the preparation and care of hydrangeas with a panicle winter. There are several ways to cover the hydrangeas for the winter.

The simplest of them: you need to bite the bushes of hydrangeas with the manure that has been reparted. At the youngest bush, the roots froze for the first couple of years, and so that this does not happen, you need to sprinkle the soil with peat or foliage of centimeters. 10 Then you need to tie the branches with a rope, tilt them to the ground and gently lay them on the boards in which the nails are hammered (to these nails tie a rope).

Young small shrubs of small sizes can be tied up and laid on spruce or on a heap of dry leaves, pressed with bricks or something heavy. Then fall asleep plants on top of dry foliage and cover with a spunbond.

Also very popular among gardeners is the method of air-dry shelter. You need to take a hydrangea bush, wrap it with lutrasil or spunbond, install a wireframe from the grid. The distance from the skeleton to the shrub should be approximately 25 centimeters, and a height of 10 centimeters above the bush itself. This frame is filled with dry foliage, and the frame itself should be covered with a roofing paper or waterproof film.

Pruning hydrangeas with a panicle for the winter

For the winter, the hydrangea should not be cut off in any case. This is done after the wintering of the plant, in March. Pruning depends on the size of the bush and its age. You need to leave 5-10 strong shoots, which are shortened by 2-4 kidneys. Old shrubs need to be rejuvenated with a strong pruning. To do this, leave the hemp height of only 6-8 cm of them the next year will grow young shoots.