How to grow dill on a windowsill?

It is very convenient when fresh greens are always available at hand, making any dish tastier and smoother. That is why many housewives mastered the simple science of growing dill at home, on the windowsill. How to grow fennel on the windowsill? As in any other case, the fennel cultivation on the window has its own subtleties. It would seem that it is easier - sowed the seeds of dill in any suitable flower pot size and wait for the harvest. But no, more often as a result we get a few stunted bunches, instead of the desired lush greenery. In this article we will talk about how to plant dill on the windowsill in winter.

Tips for growing dill on a windowsill

  1. The secret of a good harvest lies, first of all, in the right choice of variety. To grow on a window sill, only early-ripening varieties of dill, such as Gribovsky, Grenadier, Richelieu, are suitable.
  2. For planting it is necessary to prepare a mixture of loose garden soil with a neutral soil for indoor plants. If dill has been sown in fertile soil, then it does not need additional fertilizing. Otherwise, it can be fertilized once a month with organic fertilizing.
  3. Pots for dill should be large enough, and on their bottom it is necessary to put a drainage layer.
  4. Before planting the seeds must be soaked for 48 hours in warm water, not forgetting to change it every 6 hours. Old seeds, collected more than 3 years ago, must be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate before planting.
  5. Plant dill seeds are necessary, sowing them on the surface of moistened soil, sprinkled with peat above. After sowing the pot must be covered with cellophane film and put in a dark warm place for 7-10 days.
  6. Dill plant is photophilous, and therefore it needs to be illuminated additionally for 5-10 hours per day. To do this, at a distance of 50 cm above the plants to install fluorescent lights.
  7. The most comfortable dill will feel at a temperature of 18-20 ° C. At higher temperatures, dill will grow flaccid and light, it will fall to one side.
  8. If possible, then at night, dill should be put in a cool place, for example, on a glassed balcony.
  9. The first greens can be cut in a month and a half after planting. But after cutting new shoots should not wait, so dill should be periodically sown.
  10. Dill is hygrophilous, therefore requires timely abundant watering. Water for this must be defended.

On the windowsill you can successfully grow other delicious and healthy vegetables and herbs .